Year 2

Class Information

Teachers: Mrs Cronin and Mrs Delvalle

Teaching Assistants: Miss Hawkins, Mrs White and Mrs Sullivan

PE Days: Wednesdays and Fridays

Y2 News 28.3.24

The children in Year 2 have had a wonderful half term and been very busy.


In English, we have been writing our own letters. Firstly, we learnt the features of formal and informal letters. Next, we wrote postcards to Ted from Ted’s Big Adventures before moving onto writing our own informal letter to Mrs Jones.


In Maths, we have been learning about fractions. We have been so impressed with how the children have taken every challenge in their stride. They have been finding a quarter, half and three quarters of shapes and numbers. As well as this, we have continued to develop our 2, 5 and 10 times table knowledge with our daily practice of rolling numbers- ask your child to sing them to you!


In Science, we have bee learning about habitats and what a living thing needs. As part of our learning, we even found some live webcams where we could watch animals in their natural habitat. We have been lucky to have students from Stowe School come and run some activities with us, including making our own wormery.


In the foundation subjects, we have learnt about how to protect our oceans and can confidently name them! In PE, we have been developing our skills in net and wall games. We have been tasting a range of foods and developing our chopping skills in DT. We have learnt about how the Church celebrates Easter in RE and how to stay healthy in PSHE.


We think it is clear to see that the children need a rest over Easter!

Y2 News 2.2.24


The children have been working so hard since they have been back at school. In English, we have been writing our own stories based on Little Red Riding Hood. The children have done a brilliant job at including conjunctions in their writing and next week will be inventing their own stories. During maths, we have been looking at ways to multiply and divide by grouping and sharing and are now going to move onto money. Our art, has linked to English and we are making collages based on a scene in Little Red Riding Hood. In geography, they have been comparing the village of Chembakolli to Buckingham and we have found lots of differences in both landscape and the climate. We had lots of fun tasting food typically eaten in Roshashana, the Jewish festival of New Year, the children’s favourites were definitely the apples dipped in honey and Mrs Delvalle’s homemade honey biscuit.

Y2 News 8.12.23

Year 2 have had a fantastic half-term and we are so proud of the children for all that they have achieved. We finished our wishing tale unit of work by writing our very own sequels to ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch. The children used adjectives, adverbs and conjunctions to add detail to their writing and this made them so interesting for Mrs Cronin and I to read. The progress the children have made in writing this term has been amazing to watch. There are a few examples below.

On Friday 8th December, we had a very special visit in Year 2. Reverend Tim Edworthy, the Baptist minister of Well Street United Church, came to teach us all about the colours of the church year and we all learnt so much. The children were really respectful, showing off what they had learnt in RE while also asking questions to find out even more.

We are excited for lots of fun festivities to end a brilliant term – we are especially looking forward to the Pantomime next week.  Then the children truly deserve a restful and magical Christmas break. 

Y2 News 20.10.23

What a fantastic first half-term we have had in Year 2! The children have all well and truly earned a break! 

Our creative Year 2 children have been exploring their storytelling talents! Throughout the half-term, they took on the challenge of writing their own versions of the classic tale, "Jack and the Beanstalk." They have been describing using expanded noun phrases, adverbs and verbs in order to entertain their reader. 

The highlight was most definitely our class trip to Warwick Castle where the children acted as wonderful role models for LHA, while seeing some of the learning from our History topic come to life. After half-term, we will be using our experience at the castle to write recounts as part of our next writing unit. 

In science, our Year 2s have been on a mission to explore different materials and their properties. They've been conducting experiments and making all kinds of exciting discoveries. 

During our history lessons, we've been unravelling the mysteries of castles and how they were built to defend against attacks. The kids have been learning about castle life and how it differs from the modern day. 

We could not have been more proud of the children during our Harvest assembly. They not only sang beautifully but also showed real courage and resilience with speaking roles. 

Looking ahead to the next half-term, we're so excited to see what our Year 2s will achieve. Thank you so much for all of your support over the past half-term. 

Y2 News 15.9.23

Year 2 have been working so hard! We are very proud of their resilience, even when learning has been tricky. In English, the children have been learning all about noun phrases and used them to create their own character descriptions. During maths, we have been working hard to get our understanding of place value solid. The children have been partitioning numbers in different ways whilst using lots of resources to help them. As part of our science curriculum, we have began to investigate materials whilst carrying out our first investigation of the year about which material is best for a fork. Watch this space for an update all about our Warwick Castle trip!


We really appreciate your support with reading. Please ensure that your child has their reading book in school every day.


Y2 News 7.7.23

What a brilliant bunch Year 2 are! This week has seen lots of changes to our usual timetable and the children have taken it all in their stride. 

On Tuesday, they spent the morning in Year 3 with Mrs Harper and Mrs Cleaver getting to know their new classroom and learning of all of the fun things they have to look forward to next year.

We have started an exciting unit on instructions in Writing where we have learnt a set of instructions for how to trap a killer cat, linking to our class text. We've had great fun following verbal, written and oral instructions! Next week, we are going to write our own instructions for how to trap a different pesky animal of our choosing.

Friday's maths saw us using thermometers to measure the temperature in different areas of the school. We even snuck into the staff room to measure the temperature in the fridge! 

Now to enjoy the final 2 weeks of Year 2 together ðŸ™‚ 

Y2 News 9.6.23

Wow! The half term break has done the class the world of good and they have come back to school full of energy and enthusiasm! Thank you for ensuring your children have kept up with some reading over the half term. It really makes a difference!

Our English learning has been very exciting as we have started to explore the text The Manor House- a story of fear! The children have enjoyed learning about suspense and how we can create tension with expression. In maths, we have gotten under way with our learning all about time. We have been impressed that they have remembered so much of their learning from Year 1. During our science lesson, we went on a mini-beast hunt which was very exciting! Whilst in History, the children began to learn about the history of Buckingham.

Y2 News 25.5.23

What a hard-working term we have had in Year 2! We couldn't be any more proud of how hard all of the children worked in their SATs. They showed true resilience and it was fantastic to see them drawing upon the knowledge and skills they have learnt over the past school year. Such superstars!

We completed our recounts of our trip to the Sea Life Centre in English, using detailed descriptions as well as our thoughts and feelings to make them an interesting read. 

The beans we planted in science are certainly enjoying the sunshine and we make sure to water them every day. Ask us what a plant needs in order to grow successfully and we will be able to tell you!

We have also come to the end of one of our favourite topics in geography which has taught us about the 5 oceans of the world and we even have a little song that helps us to remember the names of all 7 continents. The children have really enjoyed using the atlases and can use the index to locate a city, country or continent. 

Please enjoy a restful half-term break full of sunshine and ice lollies. We look forward to seeing you back for our very last half-term of this school year! Let's make it a brilliant one ðŸ™‚ 

Y2 News 5.5.23

In English, the children have just finished writing their own portal stories linked to Alice in Wonderland. We have been blown away with how creative and engaged the children have been. We will now be moving onto writing recounts. We have been continuing with our learning about fractions in Maths. Our main focus has been on halves, quarters and thirds. Within our Science learning, we have made our own hydroponics growing system for beans. We are looking forward to seeing if they work or not! The children have been learning map skills in Georgraphy and creating their own maps of Lace Hill Academy.

More children are now on Accelerated Reader. Please do speak to us if you are having any difficulties. We will be sending out a Parentmail with the original link and login details as a reminder.

Y2 News 31.3.23

Year 2 have had a brilliant end to the Spring term. They really have worked up to the last minute and even completed a hot write about their own sea creature. 

We have finished our statistics unit in Maths which has definitely been a favourite topic of the class so far. We even spotted some children making pictograms in after school club!

Our afternoons have had an RE focus and the children have been learning all about the importance of Easter for Christians. After Easter, our afternoons will return to a formal structure with different lessons each afternoon. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask us.

The children have all been given some Easter learning which includes a reading and TT Rockstars challenge as well as looking after their seeds. Please do encourage them to complete these tasks. You support is very much appreciated by us.

Finally, on Wednesday we were lucky enough to visit Lace Hill Manor. We completed a hunt to find letters which spelt a word. The children were rewarded for their efforts with a cup of squash and an Easter egg. We are keen to keep building on this relationship with the Care Home. 

Y2 News 17.3.23

We could not be more proud of how hard Year 2 worked during our assessment week last week! It was fantastic to see them showing us what they have learnt and with such enthusiasm too. You really are superstars, Year 2! 

In our final week of our writing unit about ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’ by David and Ronda Armitage, we have been writing our own invented stories, working hard to include our class toolkit and our writing targets. We will be starting a unit of work on non-chronological reports next week and I know lots of the children are excited for some non-fiction writing! 

Our curriculum focus this week has seen us continuing our learning of explorers from history into geography. We have used atlases to explore the different routes taken by both significant explorers and migrating birds and have been imagining what it would be like to be a deep sea diver. Ask us about the equator so we can show off what we know! 

Y2 News 24.2.23

Year 2 have made a wonderful start to the new term and are working even harder than ever!

In English, we have started our new unit of narrative writing inspired by the story ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch by David and Ronda Armitage. See in the photos the memory jogger we created as a class to help us to recite the story aloud. We’ve spent this week exploring the story – creating storyboards to show the key events in time order, using some of the vocabulary from the story in our own sentences and creating mood charts following the changes in how the main character is feeling.

Maths has been all about shape! We’ve been finding lines of symmetry, sorting 2D shapes and counting the faces on 3D shapes. If the children spot 3D shapes in and around the home, ask if they can count the faces and even name the shape for you!

We have an exciting week next week with World Book Day on Thursday. In the current climate, it is important to remember that a costume made up from clothing/items you already have at home is just as good as any shop-bought one. We can’t wait to see how amazing you all look! 

Y2 News 20.1.23

Year 2 have had a really positive start to the new year. We have loved seeing their happy faces and eagerness to learn.

During English this week, we have continued with our learning from Meerkat Mail. The children did a fabulous job collecting facts all about Meerkats ready to use in their own fact files. See if they can tell you any of the facts that we have learnt! Our maths has continued with multiplication and division. This week we have had a particular focus on the 2 times table and next week we will be looking at the 5 and 10 times table too. All children are set up on TT Rockstars so it would be great for them to practise at home.

Our afternoons this week have had a geography theme. The children have been so engaged learning all about the different oceans, environmental factors, compass points and David Attenborough.

We are looking forward to our trip on Monday. Please remember to send in children only with possessions that they can carry for the whole day in a backpack.

Y2 News 16.12.22

What a brilliant first term we have had in Year 2! We could not be more proud of how hard the children have worked and the progress they have made. It has been wonderful to see how many of you are reading regularly at home, learning spellings and accessing Mathletics online – it certainly has a positive impact on learning.

In our last week, our learning was based on the book ‘The Polar Express’ which the children all really enjoyed reading. We wrote a diary in role as one of the characters, created collages showing what Christmas means to us and created fact files of artic animals. The children certainly enjoyed having a Christmas twist on the learning.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all of your support over this past term as we adapt and make changes to best support your children.

We wish you a very merry Christmas and look forward to what the new year will bring for our fabulous Year 2s. 

Y2 News 18.11.22

We wanted to say a very special well done to Year 2 for how beautifully behaved they all were on our trip to Warwick Castle last week. I was bursting with pride to see them asking insightful questions, taking their time to really look at everything and their consideration for the other visitors to the castle. They are all an absolute credit to you!


Our year 2s have been on fire this week! They have been working so hard on innovating their stories based on Jack and the Beanstalk. We have been so impressed by their resilience and remembering to use resources around them to help. 

They continued to impress us during maths this week. We have been learning the very tricky concept of carrying and exchanging when adding and subtracting. The children have been using base ten to help them and are doing so well.


Our afternoons have focused on our history topic, The Great Fire of London. We have seen some beautiful art, fantastic poetry and some lovely storytelling.

You will notice that our spellings are now linked to our phonics learning. The children should be familiar with these sounds as we do phonics every day. Please do continue to practise them and you can continue to look at the high frequency word list too.


Please don't forget to join us on Monday at the Phonics Workshop!

Year 2 Team

Y2 News 14.10.22

The Year 2 children have been working so hard this week inventing their own journey tales. We have been so impressed with their use of descriptive language. In maths, we have been doing lots of work on adding. Our focus this week has been on number bonds and how they can help us to add ones numbers. During DT, we have begun designing our own chairs. Let’s hope they are strong enough to hold our teddy 😊 Year 2’s creativity was so impressive during science where the children were finding different uses for old plastic. The final lesson of our history topic ‘how has the monarchy changed?’ saw us learning about our new king and we even wrote letters to him, offering helpful advice based on the reigns of the queens who proceeded him.


Book changing day will be on Mondays during our library session and the children will be given 2 phonics books for the week. Please make sure that reading at home is recorded in reading records and all books are brought into school daily.

Y2 News 7.10.22

During our English this week, we have been learning how to add more description into our writing. The class has really impressed us with how they have begun to use commas in their sentences when using a noun phrase. Maths has seen us counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and beginning to look at calculating. Any extra practicing of number bonds to 10, 20 and 100 would be fantastic for all children in Year 2.

Science this week was lots of fun! The children created their own silly suggestions for materials. We even had a chocolate shower! Following our learning on leaders, we learnt about the role of a vicar and a rabbi. The children thought carefully about the different ways in which they lead both worship and their communities.

It has been brilliant to see in their reading records how much the children have been reading at home. Keep it up, Year 2! :)

The children have worked so hard for our Harvest Festival and we are so proud of them all for learning lines in a relatively short space of time. They can’t wait to show you what they can do!

Y2 News 30.9.22

This week, in Year 2, we have been very busy writing our stories of Little Red Riding Hood which included our own character. We have focused on including capital letters, full stops and adjectives. In maths, we have continued with place value and started to look at ordering numbers. DT was very exciting! We looked at which structure was the strongest and then investigated how strong we could make a cylinder. The class found it very funny to see if our collective cylinders would hold Mrs Cronin’s weight…it didn’t!


It was great to see so many of you have completed your Mathletics and homework. Please remember to record reading at home in reading records.

Y2 News 16.9.22

Well, what an exciting start to the week we had in Year 2! A surprise was delivered to us in the shape of a basket, filled with cake and covered with a red cloth. All of the clues pointed towards Little Red Riding Hood and we mapped out her story on our class blackboard. See in our class gallery the fantastic adjectives the children used to describe the main characters – we are going to use these words when we write a journey story of our own. In maths, place value has been keeping us busy, seeing us partition numbers into tens and ones. The children will now be coming home with reading books and it would help them immensely if these could be read at home. Please record how they are getting on in their reading records as we enjoy seeing how they are getting on with different texts. Have a wonderful, restful weekend and we look forward to the week ahead. 

Y2 News 9.9.22

Wow! We have had a wonderful first week. The children have settled into Year 2 beautifully and all grown-ups at home should be so proud! Our learning this week has been based on the story ‘How Big is a Million?’. The children have been developing their own questions, a poster to find Pipkin and then exploring place value using different resources such as bead strings. We have also started our preparations for the Harvest Assembly in a few weeks time. The children may sing some of the songs at home so listen out for them! Getting changed for PE was an interesting experience for us all! Any extra practising at home of buttons would be greatly appreciated by us all. Enjoy your weekends and make sure you give yourself some rest time ready for a good week of learning next week.

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