Year 5

Class Information

Teacher: Mrs Brewer

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Kiddle

PE Days:  Mondays and Fridays

Up Coming Trips

10th July - Hazard Alley

Y5 News 28.3.24

DT- Year 5 have really enjoyed learning about where their food comes from this half term. This week we have been putting our knowledge into the kitchen. The children created their own bolognese sauce to take home for their dinner. The whole school has been complimenting them on their cooking smells and the school has smelt delicious. We hope the children enjoy eating their hard work!

English- The past two weeks we have been learning about different rhyming patterns in poetry. The children studied the Jabberwocky poem and had lots of fun creating their own nonsense words and writing ABAB and ABCB rhyming verses. 

Y5 News 8.12.23

In Music, the children performed for the first time on their trumpets and trombones... they were extremely resilient and wowed the crowd with their enthusiasm and talent! 

Y5 News 1.12.23

In PSHE we are focusing on our Jigsaw Unit about relationships. A lot of our lessons have been focused on our relationships with our peers and family members. We have also been learning about how to keep ourselves safe online and understanding how online relationships can differ to those we have in person. We had Vi from the NSPCC visit us to talk to the children about relationships and how to keep ourselves safe. We learnt how to stay safe by speaking out to a trusted adult. Vi was very impressed with the children's knowledge and we finished the morning off by completing an activity to think about people, places and things that help us feel safe and why. For more information about the NSPCC please visit their website:

Y5 News 14.11.23

The children LOVED visiting Bletchley Park. They enjoyed a guided tour by Carly and had lots of fun cracking the Enigma code in their codes and cyphers workshop. Our question in History has been 'What impact did Bletchley Park have on WW2?' and the children came back to school with lots of ideas to help them continue to investigate. The children particularly enjoyed discovering that without Bletchley Park the British Army may not have been successful on D-Day. 

The children all wanted to go back with their families as we didn't get to see everything in one trip!

Y5 News 20.10.23

The first half term has zoomed past! It was great to see all of the parents at parents evening and celebrate the children's achievements. 

Stowe - Our trip to Stowe was an afternoon of creativity. The children enjoyed eating their lunch in the dining hall. Below the Globe the children were encouraged to reflect on the impact of Global warming and think of new and inventive ways to save the planet. Lots of the children entered the poetry competition. The children spent time using VR headsets to explore natural disasters and create a collaborative piece of art work to portray their ideal environment.

Y5 News 22.9.23

We have had a fantastic start to the year and I have been very impressed to see how well the children have settled into the expectations and routines of upper key stage two.

In English, the children are enjoying writing Defeat The Monster Tales and have been focusing on learning how to add descriptive devices into their setting and character descriptions to build suspense and keep the reader wanting more.

In maths, the children have been rounding to the nearest 1,000,000 and revisiting their place value skills in preparation for moving to addition and subtraction next week.

In art, we have been focusing on portraits and the children really enjoyed learning how to draw lips and eyes. See photographs and be wowed!


Y5 News 7.7.23

This week we have been getting excited about moving up to year 6. The children enjoyed their transition morning with Miss Biltcliffe and had lots of questions to ask her! 

In maths, the children have enjoyed investigating volume and capacity got very wet and messy! The children are now revisiting place value and the four operations so that they can enter year 6 as confident mathematicians.

In English, we have started our new unit. We are writing explanation texts about World War 2. The children have learnt how to use generalisers and adverbs to explain. 

Y5 News 19.5.23

On Wednesday the children visited Bletchley Park as part of our local history study.  In class the children had already learnt all about some of the significant codebreakers who worked at Bletchley Park during World War Two. The children had lots of fun visiting Alan Turing's hut and finding out all about the Bombe machine. They took part in a codebreaking workshop all about the significant part Bletchley Park had in the success of D-Day. The children worked in teams to convert the Enigma code into English. They even got to have a go on one of the last remaining Enigma machines in Europe. The children asked lots of questions to develop their knowledge and we are looking forward to continuing our learning about World War Two next term. 

Y5 News 5.5.23

Science- The children have started their new topic of Forces and have been busy investigating air and water resistance. They had to work together to decide whether or not the shape of an object will have effect on the amount of resistance it will feel. The children created air resistant outfits and measured how quickly they could run a loop of the field. We had some very interesting outfits...photographs coming soon.

Music- In Music this half term we are learning about loops and ostinato's. The children worked in groups to compose their own ostinatos and enjoyed performing them to each other.

PSHE- In PSHE we are celebrating differences. The children learnt all about Racism and the different types of bullying. They got together in groups to plan and write information leaflets on the matter to educate the younger pupils. The children are very passionate about spreading awareness and have requested to do an assembly at the end of our unit of work to show the rest of the school what they have learnt. Dates and invitations for parents coming soon.

Y5 News 24.3.23

English- In English we have started our non-fiction unit. We are focusing on discussion texts. The children have learnt our key text 'Should The Daleks Be Allowed To Stay On Earth?' They have learnt how to use causal conjunctions to write their argument for or against using formal language.

RE- In RE the children have been reflecting on the word sacrifice. They have learnt about non-religious and religious sacrifices by studying the Christian Easter story and reflecting on Jesus's death on the cross. They then thought about sacrifices they have made and how it has benefited themselves and others.

Y5 News 24.2.23

In English, we launched our new unit Warning Tales, by holding a debate and immersing ourselves in the story through drama. The children acted out the story in small groups and had lots of fun interviewing our main character Mitch and his mother. 

In maths, the children have started learning about decimals and percentages, converting fractions into decimals and learning about tenths and hundreds on a place value chart.

In Whole Class Reading, we have started our new novel The Gauntlet and after a slow start the book has left us with cliff hangers after cliff hangers and we already can't wait to read chapter seven on Monday! Please remember to look at the book warmer to find out more information about our new portal story.

Y5 News 3.2.23

On Wednesday 1st February we visited the National Space Centre in Leicester. The children used their scientific enquiry skills to discover lots about space travel. They practised launching each other into space using a real rocket and took part in a rocket science workshop learning all about the ways rockets are sent into orbit. There was so much to see and learn about Mrs Brewer wishes they could revisit again next week! The children used our school values all day and staff even commented how polite and enthusiastic the children were. 

Y5 News 20.1.23

In PSHE, Mrs Yalden’s son Noah came in to teach the children how to stay safe by giving them a crash course in first aid basics. The children learnt all about what was inside a first aid kit and how to use it. They learnt how to put someone in the recovery position and how to help someone if they were choking. It was great to see the children excited to learn and everyone got stuck in. 

On Monday we had our first swimming lesson at the Swan Pool. The children did incredibly well and had lots of fun swimming lengths of the pool. I was a very proud teacher! 

Y5 News 13.1.23

Maths- This week in maths the children have continued to focus on fractions. They have been really resilient this week and have been practising converting improper fractions into mixed numbers. They have played games, used their division skills and even drawn shapes to shade to help them. Next week we will be looking at adding and subtracting fractions. 

English- An Alien has landed! We have started our new fiction unit. We are learning how to write finding tales this half term and the children have enjoyed designing their own aliens and learning how to write character descriptions.

Science- In science, we have started learning all about Space. We found out lots of interesting information about our planet's shape and had a debate using scientific evidence to help us. 

Y5 News 9.12.22

The children have begun learning how to write to persuade in English and have had lots of fun creating holiday adverts for Brazil and the Amazon Rainforest drawing upon their geography learning to help them.

On Friday we had a fantastic day out to Hazard Alley in Milton Keynes. The children learnt all about water, fire, road, train and knife crime safety. The children even practised phoning 999 in emergency situations. It was brilliant to see the children working together as a team to problem solve. We have also written an online safety rap... we will be performing it to you all very soon...

Y5 News 2.12.22

In maths this week, the children have been learning how to square, cube and multiply numbers in different ways. They have all been extremely resilient and have learnt written methods for both long and short multiplication.

In music, we have been busy practising for our Clarinet concert on Thursday 15th December at 9.15. We look forward to welcoming parents and carers along to listen to the children's singing and songs. There may be a slight Christmas twist too!

Y5 News 18.11.22

This week in English the children have been learning to write Legends. They have learnt the Legend of Bowerman's nose. They performed the story to the whole school during our writing assembly.

Next week, we will be learning how to change the Legend linking it to our geography learning by writing a Rainforest Legend. 

The children have asked me to help them work towards their Green Blue Peter Badges....Watch this space for more information.

In maths, we have been learning to use multiples of 10,100 and 1,000 to solve calculations and have been focusing lots of applying our knowledge to problem solving. Next week we will be focusing on perimeter and area.

Y5 News 7.10.22

On Wednesday the children had a wonderful day out at The Living Rainforest in Newbury. The children spent time together learning about the amazing adaptations animals and plants have made to survive the humid climate. It was great to see them working together as a team and their faces lighting up when they discovered the secret of the Black Magic leaf!

In science, the children have been investigating thermal conductors and insulators using different types of cups for hot drinks. Next week, they will be collating their data and creating bar charts. 

In English, we have finished our fiction writing unit. The children have all written some fantastic losing tales and I look forward to sharing them with you all at parents evening in a few weeks.

Y5 News 23.9.22

In music this half term the children are learning how to play the Clarinet. This week the children have been learning how to make a sound using the mouth piece. They have also learnt how to safely put their Clarinets away. Next week, they are going to be learning their very first note. Watch this space I am sure we will get a delightful performance soon!

In maths, we have been focusing on place value. The children found partitioning numbers quite tricky so we decided to have an investigation lesson to help us. We used lots of different manipulatives to partition numbers in different ways. The children then stuck their findings on our maths working wall. 

Y5 News 9.9.22

What a fantastic start to Year 5! I have really enjoyed welcoming the children back into school and getting to know them all again. The children have enjoyed exploring their new classroom and getting stuck into their Year 5 curriculum.

In Geography, the children used atlases to discover lots about South America the home of the Amazon Rainforest. It was fantastic to see the children using their inquisitive minds to identify South America’s countries and their capital cities. We learnt about some of the physical features in South America by using the map’s key. The children were shocked at how much information one map can tell them about a place! We are already looking forward to our school trip to the Living Rainforest on the 5th October.


In English, the children have spent time writing letters of condolence to the King. It was wonderful to see the children using integrity and respect in their writing and I am sure we will get a response from the palace soon.

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