Art and Design


Art education should engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. Children should learn about great artists, craft makers and designers within this learning which will then allow them to think critically and evaluate artists’ work and their own work. Children should also recognise through their learning how art contributes to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation.

Our intent is that children will see that art and design goes far beyond the classroom and the curriculum: it is everywhere in the world around us and takes many different forms. Our vision is to expose children to, and give them the opportunity to explore, different artists, architects and designers so that they will experiment and create their own pieces of art.

Our art curriculum is designed around six substantive concepts:

  • Drawing skills
  • Painting and mixed media
  • Sculpture and 3D
  • Knowledge of artists
  • Formal elements
  • Craft and design

Through our art curriculum, children are also exposed to the following disciplinary concepts:

  • Developing techniques
  • Expressing and communicating
  • Experimenting with media
  • Taking inspiration from artists
  • Critiquing, evaluating and analysing art

This is how our children learn how to be Lace Hill artists and achieve our intent below (also in the golden tail).

I am a Lace Hill artist because…


  • I use my creativity and imagination to produce my own works of art, craft and design
  • I feel confident experimenting with different media and techniques I’ve developed
  • I can understand and reflect on how art and design has shaped history
  • I am resourceful, innovative and imaginative
  • I can critique, evaluate and analyse my own and others’ works of art


At Lace Hill Academy we use the National Curriculum and Kapow Primary to bring art and design opportunities to the classroom. Our art curriculum offers children the opportunities to refine different art techniques and become proficient in these skills, such as drawing, painting and sculpture. We try to ensure that this is achieved through mapping these skills across the year group and creating links between other subjects such as science, geography, history and computing. We work hard to make links between themes in other subjects so that the learning is purposeful and engaging.


At Lace Hill Academy, our aim is for our art and design curriculum to enable children to use their creativity and imagination when experimenting with media and techniques to create their own works of art, craft and design.  Our curriculum will help our children become resourceful and innovative.  They will develop reflective skills so that they can consider how art and design has shaped history and also are confient in evaluating their own and other's works of art.  We measure the impact of our art and design curriculum through monitoring work in sketchbooks, pupil voice, by taking learning walks and termly data analysis. 

Subject Assembly March 2023

The children had a visitor from the Tate Gallery, enthusing and inspiring our children about the pathways into the world of Art. Please see for further information.

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