Y6 News - Autumn 2
In the Autumn term the Year 6 children had great fun writing newspaper reports about local monsters in the local area. The children explored the four operations and some of them started to deepen their understanding of fractions in maths. In science they were learning how we see and the importance of light whereas in history they continued their learning on the Anglo Saxons and Vikings - as part of this topic the children enjoyed an immersive experience where they got hands on with replica artefacts and made their own historical jewellery. The children enjoyed learning about Malala Yousafzai in their reading lessons and compared how their life was similar and different to hers. In computing children enjoyed designing their own platform-based video games.
Y6 News - Autumn 1
What a fantastic half term we have had in Year 6. We have explored the impact the arrival of Anglo Saxons had on Britain, why our heart is such an important pump and in computing we have been learning about how to be safe online.
In English we have had great fun writing defeat the monster stories. We began by looking at the historical story of Beowulf and his battle with Grendel. We then explored writing our stories for the monster's perspective which gave the children a chance to be creative with their ideas and think about the monster's feelings during these ferocious battles!
The children had great fun on the STEM day where they got the chance to explore real world scenarios with our programmable smart trains and Sphero Indi robots.
The children also enjoyed a trip to Bedford where they visited a church, mosque and gurdwara.
We have had a busy half-term in Year 6! In English, we have completed several pieces of writing linked to Harry Potter, including character descriptions, recounts and dialogue. We enjoyed watching clips from the film to support us with this. In maths, we have learnt how to use protractors, draw shapes accurately, construct pie charts and how to find the mean. We have read two class novels: The Last Wild and Clockwork. These had very different themes, but the class enjoyed the mystery in both plots.
In science, we have been learning about inheritance and evolution. The class created their own offspring from Mr Men and Little Miss characters, as well as creating social media profiles for animals, detailing their adaptations. In RE, we have been researching and discussing what God is like. We know that beliefs around God can be similar in some religions, but that they can also be very different. The class were all great and thinking and linking their knowledge from this topic. In geography, we have begun our Greece topic which will continue in the next half-term and link in with our history learning of the Ancient Greeks.
Finally, the children all rose to the challenge of SATs weeks and worked incredibly hard. We are very proud of their efforts and couldn't be more proud of them.
We have had a super start to the Summer Term. In English, we have been excited to develop our narrative skills through retelling extracts of the Harry Potter films. In maths, we have been finishing our learning on shape, space and measures. We have become more confident with using protractors and finding missing angles using our knowledge of interior angles.
This week, we have had an exciting trip to the Gawcott Solar Farm! We really enjoyed finding out all about solar energy and how renewable energy can help us stop using coal and limit global warming. The children then enjoyed writing persuasive letters to the farm, asking for funding to supply the school with more science equipment, particularly the magnifying glass pots that they absolutely loved using on their field trip!
There has been so much going on in Y6 this half-term - it's hard to believe that we only have one term left of the year.
In English, we have been learning to write discussion texts. This has involved debating both viewpoints for different topics and deciding on our own opinion. We have developed our vocabulary in order to achieve quality pieces of writing. In reading, we finished Floodland and are a good way through our current novel The Last Wild. We are fascinated by Kester and his journey from Spectrum Hall to the Ring of Trees to Wind's Edge. There are also interesting characters we have met so far. Each chapter ends on a cliffhanger and we are constantly predicting what we think will happen next.
In maths, we have learnt what ratio and proportion are and how to calculate these. We completed a unit on algebra, which included writing expressions and solving equations. More recently, we have been investigating angles.
In science, we have been learning about classification. Our unit of work begun with us classifying sweets and last week, we investigated plants in the school grounds. We particularly enjoyed researching unusual living things.
In the foundation subjects we have: developed our gymnastic skills; cooked two course meals; learnt classroom vocabulary in French; planned how to achieve our dreams and goals in PSHE; considered Jesus' resurrection and sacrifice to Christians in RE; learnt about volcanoes, earthquakes and mountains in geography; and composed our own songs in music.
Next week, we are on our residential at Condover Hall, which will be a great end to a jam-packed term!
This week, the Y6 class have been working incredibly hard on assessments in reading, grammar and maths. They have also earned their gem target, meaning they had a treat of non-school uniform and a film on Friday.
In our art curriculum, the children have been learning all about photography this half-term and have really enjoyed the creativity of taking and editing their own photos. This week the children were tasked with designing an album cover inspired by the style of Derrick O. Boateng who is a young Ghanaian artist famous for his colourful and playful photography taken and edited on his iPhone. You will find some of our creations in the gallery.
Y6 have made such a wonderful start to this New Year! I have been so impressed with their attitude to learning and focus in lessons.
In maths, we have begun our unit on decimals. This has involved us knowing the place value of numbers, rounding, adding and subtracting. In English, we are learning our model text 'The Old Mill' and thinking about our toolkit. We are also learning to use semi-colons accurately in our writing. Our new class novel, Floodland, has already got the class intrigued. Please see our Spring term overview for more information on what we are learning this term.
I have been so proud of the teamwork that I have seen in Y6 this week! The children worked in groups to plan and write their own character flaw stories. They really enjoyed this opportunity and I was so pleased watching them work collaboratively.
On Wednesday, we were visited by Santa and then went to perform Christmas carols at the Care Home. The children sang beautifully and showed our Lace Hill values in abundance.
This week we have been investigating light, colours and shadows in our science lessons. We experimented with filters and how different colour filters can alter the colour of things we see. In PSHE, we have been thinking about personal safety, in particular how we might look after ourselves in the community.
In English, we have begun our character flaw unit of work. We are using 'A Christmas Carol' as our stimulus to help us with our writing. On Friday, the children wrote some brilliant story openings using similes, alliteration, personification and onomatopoeia.
This week in English, the children have been writing their own newspaper reports. They are really getting stuck into this non-fiction unit, enjoying using videos as a stimuli to help them write but also the chance to use formal and informal language. Next week, the children will be writing a final independent piece of journalistic writing.
In maths, we are right in the middle of our fraction unit and the children are becoming more confident with applying the correct strategy with each of the four operations.
Today, our Year 6 children led the Remembrance Assembly to the rest of the school and their adults. They showed such respect, resilience and integrity when saying their lines and singing the songs. We are extremely proud of how well they did.
This week, the class went on a faith tour in Bedford, visiting a Mosque, Church and Gurdwara. The children listened really well to the information shared and asked lots of questions about the faiths and places of worship.
In maths, we have been learning the formal method for long multiplication. I've been impressed with the children's resilience and perseverance in getting these calculations accurate, making sure they follow the steps to success to achieve the right answers. In English, we have finished writing our first defeat the monster tales, and next week the class will be writing their own final tale. We are getting right into the thick of our class novel, Malamander, and the children are remembering many events from earlier to try and make links to solve the mystery.
It has been a busy two weeks in Y6 and the half-term seems to be whizzing by. Last Friday, we had our Anglo-Saxon workshop and the children showed great enthusiasm throughout the whole day. They threw themselves into the drama and role play and I have seen some very skilled actors in our class!
The children have worked incredibly hard this week as we completed some assessments. These will help to inform what learning from previous years that we need to revisit to ensure the children feel confident with the whole primary curriculum.
In PSHE, we have been thinking about our rights, responsibilities, rewards and consequences within the classroom. As the oldest children in the school, we are expecting our Y6 class to be role models to the rest of school. We are going to be working really hard on this over the next few weeks to ensure that everyone takes responsibility for how we conduct ourselves in the classroom as everybody has the right to learn.
Wow, what a brilliant start we have had in Y6! I have been so impressed with the children and their resilience and determination in these first few weeks. In English, we have been learning all about Beowulf and we are focusing on description within our defeat the monster tales. In maths, our first topic is place value and we are revisiting and rebuilding on previous learning of numbers, ordering, comparing, rounding and negative numbers.
We are enjoying our new topics in many other subjects, including blood and the circulatory system in science. Please look at our overview above for more details about what we are learning.
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