Year 5

Class Information

Teacher: Mrs Brewer

Teaching Assistants: Mrs White, Mrs Francis

PE Days: Monday's (swimming) and Thursdays

Key Dates -

Y5 News 2024-2025

Y5 News - Autumn 2

In Autumn 2 we visited Bletchley Park, the children had lots of fun putting their knowledge to the test. They participated in a codes and ciphers workshop and even had a go on a real Enigma Machine. The children visited Alan Turing’s office and did a brilliant job at teaching our tour guide all about him! The staff at Bletchley park were very impressed with the children’s knowledge of World War II and commented on how beautifully behaved they were throughout the day. As well as our visit to Bletchley park, the children have studied all about the Blitz, evacuation and learnt about The Battle of Britain. They then concluded their unit of work by completing a think link, linking all of their new knowledge together. Next term, we move on to Geography and the study of our tropical Rainforests.


In music, the children have been taught Ukulele by our music specialist from Buckinghamshire Music Trust. The children have learnt how to play chords and individual notes on the ukulele, as well as learnt how to sing songs and accompany themselves on the Ukulele. If your child is interested in continuing their Ukulele lessons please visit: for information about instrument lessons and weekend music groups.

In maths, the children have been focusing on the four operations and have got stuck into lots of problem solving and reasoning practise. They particularly enjoyed discussing always, sometimes and never statements. They had fun using their knowledge to investigate different statements and prove their theories using a variety of different strategies and concrete equipment before writing their evidence in their books. Next we move to fractions!

Y5 News - Autumn 1

A Magical Day with the Orchestra!

We were so excited that our school had the incredible opportunity to attend a concert and participate in a workshop with the New Mozart Orchestra. The children loved learning not only about the instruments but also about the different roles they have within an orchestra.

The musicians engaged with our pupils through interactive sessions, exploring everything from the warm tones of the cello to the impressive heights of the flute. A huge thank you to New Mozart Orchestra for sharing their passion for music with us!


Black History Month Assembly:

Year 5 took centre stage to deliver an inspiring assembly in honour of Black History Month! They showcased remarkable and powerful stories and contributions of influential figures throughout history. From civil rights to cultural achievements, our pupils truly embraced the spirit of the month.

Their enthusiasm, creativity, and hard work made the assembly an unforgettable experience for all. It was a joy to see them confidently sharing knowledge and celebrating diversity with their peers!



This half term we have been diving into the heart-warming story of 'Emergency Zoo' during our whole class reading sessions! They’ve been enthusiastically exploring the themes and characters while honing in on their retrieval skills. Through partner and whole class discussions and activities, the children have demonstrated their ability to find key information and make connections to the text. It’s wonderful to see their love for reading blossoming and I have even caught some of them reading the next chapter on the playground! Kudos to Year 5 for your enthusiasm and hard work! Keep it up; I can't wait to see where your reading journey takes you next! 

Year 5 News 2023-2024


DT- Year 5 have really enjoyed learning about where their food comes from this half term. This week we have been putting our knowledge into the kitchen. The children created their own bolognese sauce to take home for their dinner. The whole school has been complimenting them on their cooking smells and the school has smelt delicious. We hope the children enjoy eating their hard work!

English- The past two weeks we have been learning about different rhyming patterns in poetry. The children studied the Jabberwocky poem and had lots of fun creating their own nonsense words and writing ABAB and ABCB rhyming verses. 


In Music, the children performed for the first time on their trumpets and trombones... they were extremely resilient and wowed the crowd with their enthusiasm and talent! 


In PSHE we are focusing on our Jigsaw Unit about relationships. A lot of our lessons have been focused on our relationships with our peers and family members. We have also been learning about how to keep ourselves safe online and understanding how online relationships can differ to those we have in person. We had Vi from the NSPCC visit us to talk to the children about relationships and how to keep ourselves safe. We learnt how to stay safe by speaking out to a trusted adult. Vi was very impressed with the children's knowledge and we finished the morning off by completing an activity to think about people, places and things that help us feel safe and why. For more information about the NSPCC please visit their website:


The children LOVED visiting Bletchley Park. They enjoyed a guided tour by Carly and had lots of fun cracking the Enigma code in their codes and cyphers workshop. Our question in History has been 'What impact did Bletchley Park have on WW2?' and the children came back to school with lots of ideas to help them continue to investigate. The children particularly enjoyed discovering that without Bletchley Park the British Army may not have been successful on D-Day. 

The children all wanted to go back with their families as we didn't get to see everything in one trip!


The first half term has zoomed past! It was great to see all of the parents at parents evening and celebrate the children's achievements. 

Stowe - Our trip to Stowe was an afternoon of creativity. The children enjoyed eating their lunch in the dining hall. Below the Globe the children were encouraged to reflect on the impact of Global warming and think of new and inventive ways to save the planet. Lots of the children entered the poetry competition. The children spent time using VR headsets to explore natural disasters and create a collaborative piece of art work to portray their ideal environment.


We have had a fantastic start to the year and I have been very impressed to see how well the children have settled into the expectations and routines of upper key stage two.

In English, the children are enjoying writing Defeat The Monster Tales and have been focusing on learning how to add descriptive devices into their setting and character descriptions to build suspense and keep the reader wanting more.

In maths, the children have been rounding to the nearest 1,000,000 and revisiting their place value skills in preparation for moving to addition and subtraction next week.

In art, we have been focusing on portraits and the children really enjoyed learning how to draw lips and eyes. See photographs and be wowed!

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