Physical Education


Physical Education at Lace Hill Academy plays a vital role in promoting healthy and active lifestyles. Our children need to understand that learning physical education knowledge and skills helps them develop a sense of identify and belonging through teamwork and building self-confidence.  Our children need to be inspired to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities so that they become confident, aspirational young people.  We offer the opportunity for children to participate in sports festivals where they complete in a range of sports against other schools. We hold whole school sports events such as sports day. Our PE curriculum provide opportunities to children to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness.

Through our high quality, physical education curriculum, our intent is for our children to be respectful, motivated and lead physically active lives.  Pupils experience the teaching of movement skills so that they become increasingly competent and confident and access a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination, individually and with others. They will experience competitive (both against self and against others) and co-operative physical activities, in a range of increasingly challenging situations.

Our PE curriculum is based around the following:

Domains of PE ( shown in the arrows pointing to the star)

  • Games, Dance, Gymnastics, Athletics, Health and Fitness, and Outdoor Adventure Activities
  • Acquiring and developing skills
  • Evaluating and improving

Forms of knowledge

  • Declarative (knowing what)
  • Procedural (knowing how)
  • Conditional (knowing when and why)

Children need knowledge of the following in order to be successful in the domains of PE: movement, rules, tactics, strategies, health and participation, fundamental movement (balance, locomotor, ball skills).

This  knowledge is developed through application such as:

-         Practice situations

-         Structured games

-         Modified games

-         Demonstrations

-         Participation

This is how our children learn how to be successful Lace Hill sportspeople and achieve our intent below (also shown in the golden tail).

I am a Lace Hill sportsperson because...

  • I can be creative: respond to stimulus, adapt my strategies and develop ideas
  • I can be healthy: demonstrate strength, speed, stamina and flexibility; understand what a healthy lifestyle is; and explain why I am best suited to an activity
  • I can be personal: I am motivated to improve, perform under pressure, suggest how people can improve and increase my confidence
  • I can be physical: excellent knowledge of advanced techniques, select them appropriately and show control
  • I can be social: take a leading role, help others and show organisation
  • I can think critically: make well informed decisions, set targets and reflect on my performances


At Lace Hill Academy, our PE lessons are taught by specialist sports coaches from Sports 4 All, who aim to provide children with the opportunity to learn new skills and develop existing ones through a well-structured and planned PE programme.  The lessons are designed to teach transferrable skills, such as communication, teamwork and problem solving, alongside our Lace Hill values of resilience, respect and integrity.


Children leave Lace Hill inspired to succeed and having become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. They understand important values such as such as fairness and respect which fit in with our values and school ethos. 

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