PTA and Fundraising



The AGM is the PTA's only formal meeting of the year, covering committee elections, the chair’s report and the treasurer's annual financial report.

Please feel free to read the chair’s report on the school website.

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend our Lace Hill Academy PTA Annual General Meeting on 09 Nov 2023. We are pleased to announce the PTA Officers and Committee members for the 2023/2024 school year.

  • Pauline de Jager (Chair) - Year 5
  • Fran Connelly (Treasurer) - Year 4 and 5
  • Mamtha DuraiBabu (Secretary) - Year 5
  • Jav Asaro - Year 1
  • Jo Sommerville - Year 2
  • Sanskriti Painuly - Year 3
  • Jessica Stock - Year 3 and 5
  • Kayleigh Watson - Reception and Year 3
  • Vicki Stephenson - Year 5
  • Stephanie Orr - Year 2 and Year 5

We would like to express our gratitude to Mrs Jones for her invaluable support, as well as to Mrs Brewer and Mrs Doherty for joining us as teacher representatives this year.

If any parents or carers wish to join the PTA to help out with any school events or just volunteer when available, please do get in contact via


We are all parents of children at Lace Hill Academy who give up their time and energy to organise the events. Some of them are very time consuming so new people and willing helpers are always welcome. The PTA is a member of ParentKind and abides by its constitution. This means there must be an AGM, Chair and Treasurer with minutes kept. There should also be teacher representatives. A defining strength of the new Lace Hill Academy PTA is outstanding teamwork. The PTA is an open, fun and friendly group of parents and teachers working towards a common goal; supporting the education of the children at our school and strengthening the school community.

There are several ways to stay in touch or get updates on PTA activities, so please send us an email, join our Facebook group, or come up and say hello if you see us around school!

Email :
Facebook group: Lace Hill Academy PTA

PTA Newsletter September 2024 Summer Fair 2024 PTA Newsletter December 2023 AGM 2023 Chair Report PTA Autumn 2023 Newsletter PTA Summer Newsletter 2023 PTA Newsletter April 2023

List of services


  • Autumn Term
  • Harvest Festival collection
  • Refreshments at school events
  • School fundraising Christmas card project
  • Refreshments for class Christmas parties
  • Helping serve Christmas dinner
  • Making Christmas decorations with the children and decorating the Academy Christmas trees
  • Making scenery for the Christmas production
  • Providing mince pies for school Christmas production and nursery sing-a-long.
  • Christmas charity collections
  • Spring Term
  • School Discos
  • Charity Cake Sale
  • Scholastic Book Fair
  • Family Bingo Night &  Raffle.
  • Stall at the Lace Hill Community Centre Easter event.
  • Summer Term
  • Cake Sale
  • Non Uniform Days
  • Stall at the Lace Hill Community Centre Summer event.


The PTA have set up a Second Hand Uniform shop, where good quality, washed second hand uniform (and sometimes brand new items) can be purchased at the following prices:




All other second hand items


Brand new items (with tags)


Embroidered PE tops



We will be holding uniform sales each Friday at the front of the school. Donations of uniform are gratefully received and can be dropped off at the school office for the attention of the PTA.


For further information or to get involved, please visit our Facebook group by searching for ‘Friends of Lace Hill Academy’ or email

Our Facebook group is a closed group and is password protected, so to join you will need to enter the password when prompted. Membership will then be approved by a group admin (please allow time for membership requests to be reviewed and checked). The password you will need to initially join the group will be sent out via ParentMail. If you have any queries, please email

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