

Technology is everywhere and plays a pivotal part in the modern world and everyday life. At Lace Hill Academy, all children have access to the use of computing regardless of ability, age, culture, disabilities, gender or race. We use our computing curriculum to equip our pupils to understand and change the world through computational thinking. This is by thinking logically, precisely and creativity. We want our pupils to have an understanding of the safe and appropriate use of technology. We then develop basic understanding of the hardware and software to manipulate information. Throughout their time at Lace Hill we will be developing their computing competence in their knowledge and understanding of the importance of information and communication technology.  Our intent is for children to become digitally literate at a suitable level for future workplace and as active participants in our digital world.

Our computing curriculum is designed around three substantive concepts (shown on the arrows pointing to the star):

  • Digital literacy
  • Computer science
  • Information technology

Through our computing curriculum, children are also exposed to the following disciplinary concepts ( shown on the points of the star):

  • Coding
  • Connecting and communicating safely
  • Collecting information
  • Presenting information
  • Creating electronically

This is how our children learn how digital learners achieve success and reach our intent below (also shown in the golden tail).

I am Lace Hill Digital Learner because…


  • I feel confident when using technology
  • I understand the importance of being safe online
  • I can interpret what I have learnt and apply it to technology around me
  • I can solve problems using different strategies
  • I enjoy exploring different applications, programs and software
  • I can help those around me with the knowledge I have learnt


Computing is a fundamental part of the curriculum at Lace Hill Academy and we recognise the growing use of IT equipment in everyday life, both at school and at home. At Lace Hill Academy, The Foundation Stage children have an entitlement to access the EYFS curriculum at appropriate curriculum levels; all KS1 and 2 pupils have an entitlement to access the National Curriculum computing programmes of study at appropriate levels. For children at KS1 we use units from the Purple Mash scheme of work. In KS2 we are using a project based approach called D.A.R.E.S. (Design, Apply, Refine, Evaluate & Share).

D.A.R.E.S is an innovative approach to teaching computing which encourages pupils to be critical thinkers, problems solvers and computational thinkers while creating purposeful content to demonstrate how learning can be applied across the wider curriculum.

  • computer science – understanding how computers and computer systems work and how they are designed
  • programmed digital literacy – developing ideas and language through the use of ICT and using and applying these skills in other areas of the curriculum
  • information technology – using IT devices to create programs and systems
  • e-safety – teaching how to use the internet and other electronic media devices safely and responsibly


At Lace Hill Academy, our aim is for our computing curriculum to develop children to enjoy and confidently use computer programs.  They need to be able to interpret learning, and helps others to apply it to technology around them. Most importantly, in a world of rapid technological change, our children to need to know how to keep themselves safe online.  We measure the impact of our computing curriculum through monitoring work in digital folders/floor books, pupil voice, by taking learning walks and termly data analysis. 

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