Design Technology


Design and Technology is an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject. It develops the creative, technical and practical expertise needed to perform everyday tasks confidently. High-quality design and technology education makes an essential contribution to the creativity, culture, wealth and well-being of the nation. Our vision is to encourage children to take risks, so that they become resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable citizens. We intend to do this by exposing them to design and technology opportunities.

Learning how to cook is a crucial life skill that enables pupils to feed themselves and others affordably and well. Our Design and Technology curriculum enables children to understand and apply the principles of nutrition and healthy eating, and learn how to cook.

Our DT curriculum is designed around five substantive concepts:

  • Cooking and nutrition
  • Structures
  • Textiles
  • Mechanisms and mechanical systems
  • Electrical systems

Through our Design Technology curriculum, children are also exposed to the following disciplinary concepts:

  • Designing
  • Researching for purpose
  • Critiquing, analysing and evaluating
  • Developing techniques
  • Experimenting with different materials
  • Creating for a purpose

This is how our children learn how to be successful in the field of Design and Technology, achieving our intent below (also in the golden tail).

I am a Lace Hill designer because…


  • I use my creativity and imagination to design and create products
  • I can draw on my knowledge and skills to make products for specific audiences and purposes
  • I am resourceful, innovative and enterprising
  • I can critique, evaluate and test my own and others’ ideas/products
  • I have the knowledge and expertise to participate in an increasingly technological world


At Lace Hill Academy we use the National Curriculum and Kapow Primary to bring design and technology opportunities to the classroom. Our DT curriculum offers children the opportunities to refine techniques and become proficient in skills within different areas, such as mechanisms, building structures, cooking and electrical systems. We try to ensure that this is achieved through mapping these skills across the year group and creating links between other subjects such as science, geography, history and computing. We work hard to make links between themes in other subjects so that the learning is purposeful and engaging.

Our Design and Technology curriculum offers children the chance to acquire a broad range of subject knowledge and draw on disciplines such as mathematics, science, engineering, computing and art. We teach children to build and apply a repertoire of knowledge, understanding and skills in order to design and make high-quality products for a wide range of users. Our curriculum reflects the importance of using creativity and imagination to design and make products that consider the intended audience’s needs, wants and values.


At Lace Hill Academy, our aim is for our Design and Technology curriculum to develop children to confidently use their creativity to design and create prouducts, to become resourceful and enterprising and knowing how to draw upon their knowledge and skills to make products for specfic audiences and purposes. They will be able to critique and analyse their own and other's work. By the time our children are ready to move onto Key Stage 3, they will have the knowledge and expertise to partcipate in an increasingly technological world. We measure the impact of our Design and Technology curriculum through monitoring work in sketchbooks, pupil voice, by taking learning walks and termly data analysis. 

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