
Governors Information

The role of the Governing Body is:

  • To provide a sense of direction for the work of the school
  • To support the work of the school as a 'critical friend'
  • To hold the school to account for the standards and quality of education it achieves

Each year, the Governors work with the Headteacher and the management team and agree what should be the school priorities for the coming year. Always the key question is "What can we do to further improve teaching and learning for everyone at Lace Hill?"


The members of our Full Governing Body are:

Judith Green:  Chair of Governors, Safeguarding Governor, Early Years Governor,  Performance Management Governor

Nicky Boyce: Vice Chair of Lace Hill Governing Body, Finance Governor, Health and Safety Governor,

Sarah Green: Parent Governor, Wellbeing/Pupil Premium and PSHE Governor, Website Governor

Sarah Jones:  Executive Headteacher

Emily Biltcliffe: Head of School

Chris Nustedt:  Community Governor, Finance Governor, Health and Safety Governor

Chris West:  Staff Governor, SEND Governor

Declaration of Interests (Pecuniary Interest)

At Lace Hill Academy we have no Governors that have declared a Business Interest (Pecuniary Interest). It is recorded at all meetings and signed once year (last recorded in October 2024).


Close Personal Relationships

At Lace Hill Academy we have 2 Governors that have declared a 'Close Personal Relationship'. - Child/ren attends Lace Hill Academy.

If you need to make contact in line with a policy or a procedure, about a matter in relation to governance at Lace Hill Academy, then please send this to the school’s governance professional​, Hannah Ward, who can be contacted by email: or in writing at the school address. 

Click on the relevant documents below to download/ view:

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