Y1 News 21.6.24
Our Year 1 class has been on a roll! They had a fantastic trip to the Quainton Railway Centre, riding a real steam train and a miniature railway. Their history topic on "Inventions that changed the world" really came to life! They were a credit to our school and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
Everyone showed amazing resilience during the phonics screening checks last week. We're incredibly proud of them all! You'll receive their individual results with the end of year reports.
In PSHE, the class explored how much they've changed since they were babies. They played a guessing game with baby pictures, sparking some interesting discussions about what makes us who we are! Thank you for sending in pictures, all the babies were adorable!
To prepare for Year 2, we've been working on fun maths "quizzes" to identify areas for practice. In between these sessions, they've been learning all about barn owls, inspired by their English text "The Owl Who Is Afraid of the Dark." The children created stunning fact files packed with fascinating information about these incredible creatures.
In DT, they’ve chosen their favourite ingredients and are planning some delicious smoothies. Taking inspiration from real smoothie packaging, they're designing their own bottles to market their tasty creations. We can't wait to see their designs and, of course, taste the final product!
Y1 News 24.5.24
What a fantastic half term we've had in Year 1! We've been busy learning lots of new things and exploring exciting topics.
We finished writing some brilliant portal stories taking us to the land of the Wild Things! We used fantastic descriptions to bring our imaginary worlds to life.
We got creative just like Clarice Cliff, mixing our primary colours to make amazing hues of secondary colours and painting our own colourful plates.
Did you know we can forecast the weather by looking at clouds? We learned all about different types, and this week we saw lots of stratus clouds, the big grey blankets that bring us drizzle.
Speaking of rain, we put all that downpour to good use! We measured the rainfall over a day, and guess what? We couldn't believe it when we saw there was a whole 150ml on Wednesday!
In maths, we've been detectives, searching high and low for halves and quarters! We can now find and recognise halves and quarters of shapes, numbers, and even quantities.
We've been learning lots of new sounds in phonics this half term, and we were so excited to see an actual bugle in our history assembly! We had been learning about these in the /ue/ sound we just learned.
We're so proud of all you've achieved in this half term, Year 1! We can't wait to see all the amazing things we learn next half term.
Y1 News 26.4.24
As we come to the end of our second week in Summer term, here's a glimpse into the what our brilliant Year One children have been up to.
In English, we've immersed ourselves in the enchanting tale of "Where the Wild Things Are." From animated verbal retellings to creative story mapping and constructing miniature worlds, we've been becoming very familiar with this story! Additionally, we've been sharpening our descriptive skills by crafting vivid descriptions of Max's transformed bedroom, using carefully chosen adjectives. This week, we've even begun putting our own spin on the story, imagining alternative settings ranging from distant planets, jungles, underwater scenes, to bustling New York. Next week promises the thrilling adventure of writing this story!
Over in maths, our focus has been on equal groups and counting them—a crucial step in preparation for multiplication. By understanding that, for example, five vases with two in each pot equates to 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 10. We have been applying this knowledge to problem solve and answer reasoning questions too!
In art the children have loved mixing primary colours to make secondary. This week we were inspired by Jasper Johns to paint with bold, thick colours.
In geography and science we have started our two weather units. Through discussions and observations, we're beginning to grasp the intricacies of seasonal changes and their impact on weather patterns—a fascinating journey into the natural world.
Y1 News 22.3.24
As we wrap up Spring term, it's time to take a look back at all the fantastic learning experiences we've had in Year 1.
We started by collaboratively writing a recipe for a Terrible Soup, drawing inspiration from the ‘Billy and the Beast’. Following that, the children created their very own Terrible Sandwich recipes, detailing their instructions with bullet points and numbered steps. We then composed our own poems inspired by Pie Corbett's 'If I was called to create a wonder' linking to our Science learning around senses.
In Maths, we've been mastering place value with numbers to 50 and measurements. We've partitioned numbers up to 50 into tens and ones, estimated on number lines and find one more and one less. We've compared lengths and heights, measured length using objects and measured lengths in centimetres. Then we moved on to measuring and comparing mass, volume and capacity.
Reading has been a joy, with adventures in Billy and the Beast and Beegu, where we've been predicting, inferring, and explaining. We also looked at lots of non-fiction texts relating to our Science and Geography topics too.
In Science, we've been investigating our senses, conducting experiments to understand how they help us navigate the world. As we already knew so much about our senses, we were able to really investigate them at a higher level. We looked at why two eyes help us judge distance, optical illusions, whether we use more than one sense to taste and even made a model ear drum to understand how our ears work.
Geography has taken us on a tour of the UK. We used world maps, atlases and digimaps to identify the four countries of the UK. We used cubes to measure the distance on maps between the capital cities of the UK. We identified the oceans and seas surrounding the UK. We sorted human and physical features of the UK into what you might find in a town vs the countryside on a venn diagram. We learnt about landmarks across the UK and made our own models of them and shared our knowledge on a tour of the UK in our classroom.
Our digital explorers have been learning about online safety through Digiduck stories, understanding the importance of being responsible and safe online. Feel free to take a look at the story collection here: https://www.childnet.com/resources/digiduck-stories/
And of course, we've been busy with Design and Technology, Music, and PSHE, exploring everything from building wheels to understanding dynamics in music.
Wishing you all a restful and enjoyable break.
Y1 News 23.2.24
It's been a fantastic start to Spring 2, packed with exciting learning opportunities. Here's a glimpse of what we've been up to:
- Homework books have been sent home with new spellings for this half term. Please ensure they are returned on a Wednesday and I will give them back to children to take home on a Friday.
- In English we are learning how to write instructions. We had a few lessons on singular and plurals - we now know when to add -es or -s to nouns. We have also learnt actions to retell a recipe for a Terrible Soup, inspired by our class novel 'Billy and the Beast'.
- Maths has been all about numbers up to 50. We're diving into the world of tens and ones and making sure we know what this looks like with resources and pictures.
- Science has us intrigued as we explore how our senses help us. From revisiting what we learned in Reception to discovering more about our body parts, it's been a hands-on experience.
- Geography lessons have taken us on a journey to understand the four countries that make up the United Kingdom. We've been exploring maps and atlases and discovering more about the country where we live.
Y1 News 1.2.24
Our imaginative Year 1s have been showing off their story telling skills! Inspired by Handa's Surprise, they've written their own journey tales, sprinkled with fantastic adjectives to describe the stolen food. We’ve had lions stealing scrumptious, sweet oranges and even spiders stealing tangy, delicious blueberries!
In maths, the children have been learning about adding and subtracting within 20. They’ve used number lines, stories, counters and number bonds! They have also encountered lots of reasoning and problem-solving challenges along the way.
We've been on a geographical exploration of our town! The children have used their fieldwork and observational skills to study the geography of the school, the grounds and the key human and physical features of the surrounding environment. The children have drawn some fantastic maps of our school grounds, complete with keys and titles. They have learnt about when the school was built, and what changes have taken place in the grounds. The children are also investigating an environmental issue in the school grounds and are in the process of suggesting ways to improve our environment.
In science, we've delved into the world of animals, from dissecting fake animal feces to identify if they're herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores, to finding out more about common British mammals, the children have been so keen to share their knowledge!
In R.E, the children have explored the Creation Story, discussing its importance to Jewish people and Christians. Lots of reflections have taken place as the children contemplate how they believe the world should be cared for.
In music, we have enjoyed a symphony of untuned instruments - our class is full of budding musicians! Pulse, rhythm, and our very own class orchestra have become our music lessons, with a special shout out to the children’s favourite, the very infectious beat of 'Can't Stop the Feeling.'
In phonics, we've conquered new sounds, encountered tricky trigraphs, and honed our split sound spotting skills. Fluency is on the rise, and we know that sounding out in our heads is the secret to becoming top-notch readers!
Y1 News 12.1.24
We hope you're all doing fantastic and enjoying the fresh start to 2024 as much as we are in Year 1! The spring term is off to a brilliant beginning, and we can’t wait to share some of the highlights with you.
In English, we've embarked our new writing topic. Before we started our writing, we had a mystery to solve! Mrs. Stuchbury's fruit basket disappearance! Thanks to some sneaky animals captured on video by Mr. Walker (our trusty site manager), our young detectives discovered an elephant and a zebra in our very own classroom. The plot thickened! But fear not, we successfully located the missing fruits and, even better, got to experience their textures, smells, and tastes. We dived into the world of adjectives, collecting words to describe them. Inspired by Handa's Surprise, we learned the art of storytelling through actions, and not to forget, mastered the art of 'an' and 'a' when it comes to animals and fruits – all thanks to the memorable Angry Elephant In Orange Underpants!
Over in maths, we've been focusing on place value, especially the numbers 11-20. Armed with number lines and an array of resources, our budding mathematicians have been counting backwards and breaking down these numbers into their tens and ones.
Our geography kicked off by exploring the wonderful town of Buckingham! The children delved into the familiar sights of our town and engaged in lively discussions about whether these spots were near or far from their homes.
These are only the highlights, to find out more about what we are learning this term make sure you read our Spring term overview.
Y1 News 8.12.23
We just wrapped up our Nativity performance, and it was nothing short of West End-worthy! The children were absolute superstars, and we couldn't be prouder of how they showed our Lace Hill values on stage. There has been plenty more to our curriculum than dazzling lights and funky camel antics though– we've been fitting in lots of learning!
Our budding mathematicians have been blowing us away with their knowledge of 2D and 3D shapes. They can name cubes, cuboids, cylinders, pyramids, cones and spheres! The children know that 2D shapes are completely flat and you can't hold them but they have been spotting them on the faces of 3D shapes and using these as stencils to draw in their books. The children have loved exploring the different ways to sort 3D shapes.
We've been brewing up some literary magic in our classroom, writing our own versions of the Magic Porridge Pot. Move over porridge – we've got magic chocolate pots, magic fruit pots and even magic taco pots! The children have been weaving tales with the perfect blend of conjunctions and adjectives, describing characters that leap off the page. Get ready because next week, we're diving into our very own Wishing Tale based on our learning of the Magic Porridge Pot.
Y1 News 10.11.23
Our young historians embarked on a thrilling mystery-solving mission. Armed with clues like matches, a hat, string, gunpowder, and a letter, we dove into the world of conspiracies and intrigue. Our investigation led us to the infamous Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot! Through a simulated trial, we delved into the events of over 400 years ago, discovering why we celebrate Bonfire Night and commemorate the uncovering of the plot to harm the king.
We've also delved into the significance of Remembrance Day, crafting our own war memorials after examining photos of the war memorial in Buckingham.
In maths, the children have been busy building on their understanding of writing number sentences. We've delved into the world of fact families using part-whole models.
In English, we've been honing our writing skills by recounting our memorable trip to MK Museum. Our recount toolkit has focused on using capital letters.
Our attention has also turned to our upcoming nativity performance. The students have eagerly begun practising their roles, bringing the story to life. We encourage parents to support their children in learning their lines at home to help them feel confident on stage.
Y1 News 20.10.23
In English, we had a thrilling development - we received an email from MK Museum! They've asked us to write a recount of our recent trip to feature on their website. The children were absolutely buzzing with excitement. To help us remember our trip, we've learned some fun actions to accompany our recount model.
Reading has been a focus this week as well. We finished reading "Elmer and Grandpa Eldo," and it sparked some wonderful discussions about why Grandpa Eldo was pretending to forget things. The children's comprehension skills are really taking off, and it's a joy to see them loving reading.
In maths, we have been writing number sentences to represent part-whole models. We have also been problem solving and reasoning with number bonds to 10. Some of us have been using our knowledge of number bonds to 10 to find number bonds to 20 and 100.
In R.E, we held a pretend baptism ceremony for a cuddly toy right here in our classroom. This allowed us to show the children what might happen during such a special ceremony. Some of our class members also shared different ways that babies are celebrated within their families and/or religions, giving us a glimpse of the rich diversity we have in our class.
Art has been a highlight as well. We had a blast drawing toys from observation, which beautifully ties into our History topic. The kids have been working on their mark-making skills, and it's impressive to see their artistic talents develop.
Wishing you all a fantastic and restful half term.
Y1 News 13.10.23
It's been an exciting couple of weeks in Year 1, and I can't wait to share some of the highlights with you.
First off, our classroom was transformed into a toy museum! The children did a fantastic job setting it up, and it was a hub of learning and fun. We even invited the reception children to come and visit, and our Year 1s did a terrific job explaining all they've learned in history.
In science, we've been on a journey of discovery about materials. We explored the concept of absorbency and explored the fascinating world of magnets. The children got to design their own magnetic games, and the creativity was simply amazing.
Our storytelling skills have been put to the test as we finished writing our class version of "The Three Billy Goats Gruff." I'm incredibly proud of the children for showing remarkable resilience and determination in their writing.
In maths, we've been working on part-whole models and writing number sentences. We also took some time for a recap of our number bonds to 10.
Y1 News 29.9.23
First and foremost, we had an exciting school trip to MK Museum, and I must say the children were absolute stars! What made me the proudest was how well-behaved and respectful our children were during the trip. They represented the school amazingly, showing not only their curiosity but also their integrity.
At the museum, we had the opportunity to step back in time and explore how life and toys were different in the past. The highlight was definitely seeing a Victorian classroom in action, and the children were fascinated by the differences between then and now. We also got to play with toys from the past, and it was a great to compare them to the toys we play with today.
The children also loved creating their very own thaumatropes. For those who aren't familiar, a thaumatrope is an optical toy that plays tricks on your eyes. When you spin it, the pictures on either side seem to combine into one image.
In English, we've embarked on an exciting journey to write our class version of "The Three Billy Goats Gruff." However, our twist on the story is that we've substituted the troll under the bridge for a grumpy frog! The creativity and enthusiasm in their storytelling is fantastic to see!
In phonics, we've been hard at work. After tackling the /ae/ sound last week, we're now diving into the /ee/ sound. The progress they're making is brilliant, and it's so rewarding to see them gain confidence in their reading and writing.
In maths, we've been focusing on ordering numbers from greatest to smallest and using the 'greater than,' 'less than,' and 'equals' signs to compare them. The children are doing an excellent job grasping these concepts, with lots of opportunities to practically see this in action!
Y1 News 15.9.23
I couldn't be more proud of the children in Year 1 as they have begun their journey into KS1. They have settled in so well into our classroom and new outdoor learning area, which we have created to provide the children with enriched environments for exploration and learning to foster creativity and curiosity.
Here are just some of the highlights from their first few weeks:
The children enthusiastically engaged in a mystery-solving activity when an unexpected visitor, a goat, was discovered in our outdoor learning area. They honed their observation and deduction skills to uncover what had happened. It turns out our goat was from our Talk4Writing text, "The Three Billy Goats Gruff." We have been learning our model text and retelling the story with actions and expression. We have also started to work on our descriptions by describing the troll.
In maths, we have been working on place value, including finding one less, one more, counting both forwards and backwards, and solving missing number puzzles. I've been so impressed with the children's counting skills!
Keep it up Year 1 – what a great start to the year!
Y1 News 7.7.23
What a week- we had a really exciting transition morning this week, where our lovely year 1’s got to meet their new teachers in Year 2. They came back to our class absolutely buzzing with excitement about the year ahead. It's so heart-warming to see their enthusiasm and readiness to take on new challenges. I have a feeling they're going to rock Year 2!
In PSHE, we took some time to celebrate all the growth and achievements they’ve made together throughout the year. We talked about the milestones we've reached, like learning to read and ride a bike. It was such a lovely opportunity to reflect on our progress and build confidence in our abilities. I couldn't be prouder of each and every one of our little learners.
We had a little accident in Science! Someone brought their puppy to school and it must have used our classroom to go to the toilet! We investigated what we could use to mop it up best. We talked about absorbent and waterproof materials. We decided that a sponge would hold most of the liquid but for our big puddle, a paper towel would be best.
On Friday, we dedicated lots of time to computing. We delved into the world of digital creativity and used Purple Mash to create animated stories. Let me tell you, the children were absolute stars! They showed great imagination, problem-solving skills, and collaboration as they brought their stories to life. It's incredible to witness their creativity and how they can apply their knowledge in such a fun and interactive way.
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone, and I'll see you next week for more adventures in learning.
Y1 News 30.6.23
I want to express my immense pride in our children for representing our school during our trip to Waddesdon Manor. They demonstrated exceptional behaviour and a genuine interest in learning throughout the day. Our visit included exploring the captivating world of insects and observing their life cycles. Additionally, we had the opportunity to marvel at the beauty of Southeast Asian birds in the aviary and meander through the enchanting rose garden. Working collaboratively, the children also built a bug hotel, showcasing their creativity and teamwork skills.
We visited the Lace Hill Manor care home to share our wonderful artwork. I was so impressed by the children's impeccable manners and the compassion they showed towards the residents. It was heart-warming to witness their willingness to engage in conversations and brighten the day of others through their thoughtful interactions.
Back in the classroom in phonics, we have been reviewing the sounds that we have learned throughout the year to ensure a strong foundation for the challenges that lie ahead in Year 2. Meanwhile, in maths, the children have been counting coins and exploring different ways to make various amounts. Our History lessons have provided an opportunity for the children to consider the similarities and differences between toy cars from the past and present.
Finally, we concluded the week on a high with Sports Day. The children had an absolute blast, engaging in various activities and embracing the spirit of friendly competition.
Y1 News 23.6.23
Drawing inspiration from the book "The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark," our young storytellers have written a tale of fear swapping the main character. We have been focusing on honing our spelling skills by tackling some common exception words such as "said," "there," and "once."
In maths, we have been exploring the money. Our classroom has been transformed into an interactive supermarket, where the students have been enthusiastically identifying and counting coins and notes to pay for various items.
In RE, our students have been immersed in a thought-provoking exploration of shared special places. This week, our focus was on synagogues. With great enthusiasm and creativity, the children have designed and constructed their own synagogues. Additionally, they delved into the significance of these sacred spaces by contemplating which events would be most suitable to be hosted either in shared places or personal spaces.
Inspired by the beautiful story "The Dot," the students have created stunning artwork. These creations will be shared with the residents of our local care home during our upcoming visit next week. We are delighted to provide the children with opportunities to not only express their artistic abilities but also spread joy and connection within the community.
Last but not least, our Science enthusiasts were invited to collaborate with Year 2 students on a special project. Together, they worked on designing micro-habitats in shoeboxes, encouraging a love for the natural world and promoting teamwork.
Y1 News 16.6.23
It has been another eventful week in our classroom, filled with resilience, learning, and exciting discoveries.
In our Phonics sessions, we delved into the fascinating world of the /o/ sound. Exploring words like "warm" and "stop," we discussed the different spellings of the /o/ and /a/ sounds.
During our English lessons, we added a unique twist to ‘The Owl Who is Afraid of the Dark.’ We swapped the main character with other nocturnal animals such as bats, badgers, foxes, and hedgehogs. I'm eagerly awaiting the unveiling of their imaginative stories next week!
In maths, our focus has been place value with numbers up to 100. Using part-whole models, our students confidently partitioned numbers and compared them using concepts like "greater than," "less than," and "equal to."
In PSHE, we shared some heart-warming moments as we delved into our personal histories. The students brought in their baby pictures and delighted in guessing whose adorable snapshot belonged to whom. It was a wonderful opportunity to reflect on how much we've grown and changed!
Our History lessons have been buzzing with curiosity. The students enthusiastically posed and answered thought-provoking questions, deciphered clues, and uncovered the reasons behind the antique artefacts. History truly came alive in our classroom!
Our young scientists conducted an investigation to uncover the preferred habitats of woodlice. They made predictions, carefully observed the behaviour of these fascinating creatures (including some Giant Orange Woodlice!), and compared their findings.
I want to express my immense pride in the way our students handled the unexpected disruptions caused by the recent storm. They showed tremendous resilience, adapting to changes with a positive attitude and determination. Well done, little superheroes!
Y1 News 9.6.23
It's been an eventful first week of term, filled with exciting adventures and fantastic learning in Year 1!
Firstly, I must express my pride in our curious little historians. On Tuesday, we embarked on a trip to the MK Museum, where the children's inquisitive minds shone brightly. They delved into the fascinating world of the Victorians, experiencing what it was like to be a child during that era. From role-playing in a Victorian school to exploring antique toys, they truly immersed themselves in the past.
In maths, our focus has been on place value. The children have been developing their understanding of numbers up to 100, exploring the significance of tens and ones.
In English, we have introduced our tale of fear, 'The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark.' The children have been captivated by the story and have even had the opportunity to use AI to bring the character of Plop to life and ask him some questions about his fear of the dark.
In RE, we engaged in meaningful conversations about the places that hold special significance to us. It was heartwarming to hear the children share their personal connections and the reasons behind their chosen places.
Additionally, in Science, we donned our detective hats to investigate the diverse range of minibeasts inhabiting our school environment. The children displayed great enthusiasm and observational skills as they explored the world of these fascinating creatures.
In our reading lessons, we have started our new class novel, 'Orion and the Dark.' We have sent home a special book warmer for you to enjoy- it will give you a little flavour of the story and the themes we will be exploring in class.
Y1 News 25.5.23
I can't believe it's already the end of our first half term together! Time sure does fly when you're having fun and we have had a blast in Year 1.
In English, we've been unleashing our creative sides. Inspired by "Grandad's Island," we put our own spin on things and wrote personal diaries as if we had gone on the adventures. From secret treehouses to magical lands, our young authors transported us to extraordinary places through their writing.
This week our mini mathematicians conquered the concepts of left and right, forwards and backwards, and even learned about quarter turns, half turns, full turns, and three-quarter turns. To make things even more exciting, we directed each other to find bananas (who said math can't be tasty?), programmed bee-bots to land on shapes, and we even showed off our best moves during the cha-cha slide.
In DT, we became smoothie masters. With the help of the claw grip technique, our budding culinary artists chopped and prepared delicious smoothies. We enjoyed guessing what colours our blended concoctions would turn out to be. Some of the children were surprised by how much they enjoyed their ingredients!
Our curious scientists learned to identify the differences between evergreen and deciduous trees. We even created leaf rubbings, bringing the beauty of nature right into our classroom. It's been fantastic to witness their enthusiasm for the world around them!
I can't wait to see our incredible Year 1’s back after half-term, ready for more adventures and learning. Take care and enjoy your break!
Y1 News 19.5.23
The children of Year 1 have once again shown they are amazing superstars in their learning this week!
Prepare to be amazed because something truly extraordinary occurred this week. A mysterious delivery arrived in our classroom! It was a diary entry sent in a glass bottle from none other than Grandad from our class novel! We couldn't contain our excitement as we delved into the fascinating entry and got a peek into Grandad's world. Inspired by his diary, we've now begun writing our very own diaries, chronicling the adventures from the perspective of Syd.
In maths, we dived headfirst into the world of fractions and discovered that a quarter is one of four equal parts. We learned a nifty trick to find a quarter by finding half of a half! Our young math-magicians absolutely rocked it and became fabulous problem solvers by the end of the week.
In science, we embarked on an exciting worm hunt outside. We learned that earthworms play a crucial role in creating nutrient-rich soil for plants. We used some tricks to help find the worms – looking for casting and making vibrations to ‘fake’ rain to encourage them up!
We also marvelled at the intricate beauty of pollen grains. To put our creativity to work, we even moulded our very own clay sculptures inspired by these tiny wonders.
We had a fruity DT lesson where we got to choose the ingredients for our upcoming smoothie-making. It was a tough decision, but we carefully discussed the appearance, smell, taste, and our personal preferences for the fruits and veggies we sampled. Our budding chefs-in-the-making are super excited to blend up some delicious and healthy concoctions next week. Get your taste buds ready!
Finally, our handwriting has reached new heights of awesomeness! We've been diligently practicing our letter formation, making sure we start each stroke at the right point. Whether it's the brave monkey branches or the scared ones, we're nailing it!
One more week full of action-packed learning. Wishing you a fantastic week ahead!
Y1 News 12.5.23
I can’t believe we’re already at the end of the fourth week in this half term – it’s flying by! We’ve had another brilliant week in Year One, the children continue to impress me with their positive learning attitudes.
In English, it was time to hand over the author’s rights to the children to write their very own portal story based on ‘Where the Wild Things Are.’ Some children decided to change the main character, the Wild Things and even the setting. They’ve been so determined to improve, showing resilience when they’ve been editing. The children use their little mantra that Mrs Harper taught them to help remember everything, “Capital letters, finger spaces, does it make sense, full stop!”
We certainly have some amazing mathematicians in Year One! We have been finding and recognising what half of a shape and a quantity looks like. We started the week by rotating around some challenge stations to help us explore the concept of “half” in different ways. We ended the week by problem solving and reasoning with questions about finding half.
We observed and examined in Science, dissecting flowers to understand a bit more about their structure. We also made up our own actions to help us remember the different roles of the various parts.
We travelled in our time machines in History, all the way back to Alexander Graham Bell’s telephone invention era. We talked about how his invention changed the world by looking at the evolution of phones since then. We looked at the similarities and differences between phones from the 90s onwards. The children were pretty shocked to see that the Nokia from 1995 had an aerial and no camera!
Have a fantastic weekend!
Y1 News 5.5.23
What a great week it's been in Year 1! Despite the shorter week due to the bank holiday, we've been working really hard and have accomplished some brilliant things.
In maths, we've been learning about arrays and problem solving with equal groups. We started the week off by building a whole city of arrays!
In English, we've been diving into the world of 'Where the Wild Things Are' and we have now started writing our portal stories. The children have been using their imaginations and coming up with some fantastic ideas.
In Science, we've been learning about how to keep seeds healthy and have even tried sprouting our own bean plants! You can check out our progress in the class window - fingers crossed we get some sprouts soon.
In History, we compared old and new cameras and learnt about how technology has changed over time. The children thought it was really interesting to see the differences and similarities between them.
We also had some musical fun in class, learning about tempo in music and using this knowledge to add to our superhero theme tunes on the glockenspiels.
Overall, I continue to be so proud of the resilience and effort that the children show. Keep it up Year 1!
Y1 News 28.4.23
Another brilliant week of learning has been had in Year 1.
In English, we have been describing the setting in ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ and have now started to make our own changes to the story. Instead of having a rumpus in the forest, we now have: discos on the moon, howling in dino-land, underwater picnics and that’s just a few of our amazing ideas!
In Maths, we have been making equal groups and we now know that arrays are made up of equal columns and rows. We have also been practising our new rolling numbers songs to count in 2s, 5s and 10s. The songs all start with ‘Team, team, good as gold…’ – maybe see if we can remember the rest.
We got our fingers green in Science planting our King Edward potatoes – we’re so excited to see these grow!
In History, we were amazed by some of the new and old objects in our scavenger hunt. We predicted what they could be using any clues from the pictures. None of us managed to identify the first flushing toilet but we had some brilliant predictions of “coffee maker” and “mixing bowl!”
I’m so proud of all the children this week and I’m looking forward to seeing what next week brings!
Y1 News 21.4.23
I am delighted to report that the first week back after Easter has been a positive and exciting one for our class. In English, the children have thoroughly enjoyed delving into the world of ‘Where the Wild Things Are’. They were very surprised to see a video of their classroom with a forest growing on the carpet – something mysterious must have happened during the Easter break. In Maths, we have been focusing on counting in 2s, 5s, and 10s through making equal groups. In History, we created a timeline sequencing inventions. In Science, we went on a plant hunt around our school and we made a map of the plants we found. The children have also been exploring the musical concept of pitch and can now identify high/low notes. Finally, in Phonics, we have been consolidating previous learning while also moving on to look at the different spellings of the sound /air/. A big thank you to all the children for being so welcoming this week, I know it isn’t always easy having change but I think they will agree that we have had a fantastic week of learning and discovery! I am so excited to see what the rest of the term has in store for us.
Y1 News 03.03.23
Year 1 have continued to expand their skills this week by learning how to write questions and use the correct determiner 'an' or 'a' before a noun. We have linked this to our story of 'Handa's Surprise' where the children have thought about which other animals might steal the fruit! They have planned their innovated stories on their text maps, ready for next week. In maths, the children have been detectives, learning how to use counters and a numberline to help them find missing numbers in a sum. In RE, the children have been learning about Jesus' disciples and why Christians believe they followed Jesus. We ended the week with the most fabulous World Book Day where the children described their own secret garden, complete with a magic door!
Y1 News 24.02.23
What an amazing week back. The children have really enjoyed getting to know our new class story 'Handa's surprise'. We have built a story mountain, created our own text maps, described the fruit with new adjectives and have started to learn the story off by heart. In whole class reading, we have started reading the brilliant story ' Billy and the Beast'. Book warmers for the book will be going out this Friday. In maths, we have been learning to find the difference between two amounts. We have been on fire with our phonics this week and have enjoyed learning ways to spell the /ie/ sound. In geography/science we have started learning about the weather in the UK. We have our very own Year 1 weather station with a weather vane, thermometer and rain gauge. We are making lots of weather observations and keep hoping for a sunny day! The children have been bringing in their wonderful stories from home and we have loved sharing the children's favourite stories. What a fabulous first week.
Y1 News 03.02.23
This week, the children have finished their wishing stories. We had all sorts of magical objects such as magic eggs, magic bracelets and magic trucks! In reading, the children have enjoyed reading 'We are going on a bear hunt' and have transferred their learning to their writing where they have been using alliteration to describe objects/nature that they may see on their walk. We found symmetrical stones, golden grass and roaring rivers! The children loved getting 'hands on' with practical objects to spark their imagination and we had the most incredible vocabulary. In RE, the children have been learning about Christian story of creation and have reflected carefully about how we value the wonderful world that we live in.
Y1 News 27.1.23
Year 1 have had a wonderful week planning and writing their very own wishing tale stories. I am so proud of the progress they have made and they have all tried their hardest! In maths, we have been learning to calculate using number lines. We will continue with this next week. We have continued our learning in geography by looking at famous landmarks in the UK such as Big Ben and the Giants Causeway. In phonics, we have been learning how the grapheme <ow> can give us two different sounds - /ow/ and /oe/. The children finished off the week meeting an amazing gymnast who led a fitness circuit followed by an exciting assembly. Well done Year 1 for another fabulous week.
Y1 News 20.1.23
The children have had a fabulous week learning all about the United Kingdom. We have the most enormous map in the classroom which we have explored and learnt the four countries that make up the UK. The children have enjoyed learning each country’s flag and in our free flow time, some children have chosen to make their own version of the flag! In English, the children have produced the most incredible writing as we have innovated the story of the magic porridge pot. Next week, the children will be inventing their own story! In maths, the children have been learning to estimate numbers along a number line and were comparing the size of numbers using the vocabulary ‘less than’ and ‘greater than’. Finally, in phonics, the children have been learning the /ow/ sound and particularly loved a game of connect four that involved the sound! Well done Year 1- another wonderful week.
Y1 News 13.1.23
What a start to the year! Year 1 have been incredibly busy and started off with a fun porridge tasting session as a hook to our magic porridge pot story in English. The children have explored the story, the characters and have developed their vocabulary with exciting adjectives to describe the porridge. In maths, the children have been consolidating their understanding of numbers to 20 and have explored how numbers can be represented with tens frames and part whole models. The children have really enjoyed getting to grips with the practical equipment to help deepen their understanding. In phonics, the children have been learning the /e/ sound and have spent time practising this and previously learnt sounds. They have enjoyed our ‘golden’ phonics time where the children have practised their phonics independently with incredible focus. Keep up the amazing work Year 1.
Y1 News 9.12.22
In English the children have been working on using full stops correctly in a sentence and the structure of sentences. In our phonic sessions this week we have continued to look at the different ways of spelling the sound ‘er’ and revising ‘oe’. In maths, the children have been solving subtraction problems. In DT we have been finishing our moving story about Humpty Dumpty, using sliders or levers.
I have been so proud of the children this week. I have seen perseverance, team work and courage whilst practicing and then preforming their Nativity. I think you will agree, they spoke, acted and sang so well. I can’t believe it has only been four months since they entered into Year One. They are doing amazingly well. It has been an honor to be able to experience this journey. I only wonder what accomplishments they will achieve next year. Well done Year One :)
Y1 News 2.12.22
The children have been especially amazing this week, not only have they been rehearsing the songs and their words for our Nativity but have also been working hard in the classroom. In English the children have written their own story based on ‘The glass cupboard’, using all the knowledge they have learnt over the last couple of weeks. In our phonic sessions this week we have continued to look at the different ways of spelling the sound ‘er’. We have also been reading and writing words using these different spellings. In maths, the children have been solving addition word problems. In DT we have continued to make our moving story about Humpty Dumpty, using sliders or levers. We had great excitement in our Science lesson, the children used editable foods to making a house for the three pigs by using either bread sticks, sugar cubes or strawberry laces. We talked about which material was best and why. They were so good throughout the lesson not to taste their materials; they took a taster bag to go home with.
Thank you for all the costumes you have sent in especially with all the postal issues.
The children and myself look forward to inviting you all to our Nativity play next Thursday.
Y1 News 25.11.22
This week in English, we have finally finished our story based on ‘The glass cupboard’. It has been wonderful to hear them come up with so many ideas of what we could include in the five parts of the story. In our phonic sessions this week, we have been look at the different ways of spelling the sound ‘er’. We have also been reading and writing words using these different spellings. In maths, the children have been adding numbers together using part whole models ad ten frames. In DT we have enjoyed starting to make our moving story about Humpty Dumpty, using sliders or levers. For science, the children loved making a house for the three pigs using either playdough, lolly sticks, lego and paper straws. We talked about which material was best and why. We have also started practicing for our Nativity performance. I expect you have already heard them sing the songs :) Please can you help your child practice their words in a loud voice. If there are any problem with costumes please let me know.
Y1 News 18.11.22
Year 1 this week have been working very hard on writing their own magical fable based on the fable ‘The Glass Cupboard’. I have been very proud of what they have written so far. In our phonic sessions this week we have continued to look at the different ways of spelling the sound ‘oe’. We have also been reading and writing words using these different spellings. In maths, the children have continued to exploring number bonds to 10. In history we have been talking about our new king’s birthday and why he has two! In DT we have enjoyed planning our moving story using sliders or levers. We have also been learning songs in readiness for our Nativity performance, I will be sending out costume letters and words to learn next week.
Y1 News 11.11.22
Year 1 this week have continued to work on the fable ‘The Glass Cupboard’. They have created a memory jogger to help them retell the story and listened to range of magical stories. In our phonic sessions this week we have looked at the different ways of spelling the sound ‘oe’. We have also been reading and writing words using these different spellings. In maths, the children have been learning to calculate by exploring bar models and using them to write number sentences. We have also been exploring number bonds to 10. In history we have been talking about the importance of Remembrance Day. The children have loved being scientists this week, in science as they investigated how they could get a paper clip out of a cup of water without getting their fingers wet!
Y1 News 4.11.22
In English this week, Year 1 has been looking at the fable ‘The Glass Cupboard’. They listened to a range of fables and talked about what is a fable and what is the moral of the story. In our phonic sessions this week we have looked at the different ways of spelling the sound ‘ae’ and ‘ee’, and how the spelling of ‘ea’ has different sounds. We have also been reading and writing words using these different spellings. In maths, the children have been learning to calculate by exploring part-whole models and using it to write number sentences. In history we have been talking about why we celebrate Bonfire night.
Y1 News 14.10.22
In English this week, Year 1 has been using their creativity and imagination by changing the characters and including adjectives when rewriting the text ‘The Three Little Pigs,’ in the form of a story map. Using their story map, they have begun to write the beginning of their story. In our phonic sessions this week we have continued to look at the different ways of spelling the sound ‘ee’, such as ee, ea, e and y. We have also been reading and writing words using these different spellings. In maths, the children have continued to explore place value in particular by using a number line. In our science lesson we have enjoyed investigating and identifying properties of materials in particularly what happens if they are light or heavy.
Y1 News 7.10.22
In Year 1 this week, we have continued to look at the text ‘The Three Little Pigs’. We have been drawing and writing story mountains to help us understand the structure of the story, in readiness to help us write it. In our phonic sessions this week we have continued to look at the different ways of spelling the sound ‘ae’, such as ay, ea, ai and a-e. We have also been reading and writing words using these different spellings. In maths, the children have continued to exploring place value, in particular by ordering numbers and objects. In our geography lesson we have enjoyed looking at our local area on google maps.
Y1 News 30.9.22
This week in Year 1, we have continued to look at the text ‘The Three Little Pigs’. Using our story map the children have used puppets and masks to retell the story. It was lovely to hear them use different voices and use the repetitive phases. In our phonic sessions this week we have been learning the different ways of spelling the sound ‘ae’, such as ay, ea, ai and a-e. We have also been reading and writing words using these different spellings. In maths, the children have continued to exploring place value in particularly; using the correct sign for less than, greater than and the same when comparing different amounts.
Y1 News 23.9.22
This week in Year 1, they have been looking at the text ‘The Three Little Pigs’. After listening to the story they created a story map. In our Phonic sessions this week we have been revisiting the two letters one sound that we covered in Reception, th, sh, ng, tch, ch, ck, wh. We have also been reading and writing words using these sounds. In maths, the children have been exploring place value in particularly; one more or one less, greater, fewer and the same when comparing different amounts.
Y1 News 16.9.22
This week in Year 1, the children have been showing us what they know about numbers to 10. They have been counting forwards and backwards, as well as identifying one more and one less. In English, the children have been learning the story of the Three Little Pigs, ready to soon start creating and writing their own defeating the monster tale.
In PSHE, the children were introduced to Jigsaw Jack, who will help them learn to talk in turn and listen to each other. They started by telling Jack things that made them feel safe and how they could help him stay safe in school.
In Science, the children have begun their topic of materials by exploring the materials in the classroom and around the school, describing them and naming them.
Y1 News 9.9.22
The Year 1 children have had a brilliant start to the year and we have been so impressed with their resilience this week! In English, the class are going to be writing stories based on The Three Little Pigs. They have spent time this week reading the story and beginning to learn the structure and plot of the text. In maths, the children have been sorting and counting objects.
The children have been exploring their new classroom, taking part in a scavenger hunt to find objects from zoomed in photos. They have been very observant and noticed clues in their new classroom to tell them all about their learning this half-term.
Y1 News - Autumn 2
This term has been full of exciting learning experiences for Year 1! The children have embraced the use of Padlet this term, confidently uploading their work and showcasing their independent learning achievements.
English: We embarked on a magical journey with our own Wishing Tales, inspired by the story of "The Magic Porridge Pot." The children showed incredible creativity, inventing unique characters and magical items. We also improved our descriptive writing skills by crafting impressive expanded noun phrases.
Reading: We delved into the wonderful world of Hairy Maclary! The children thoroughly enjoyed joining in with the rhymes!
Maths: We have been busy mathematicians this term! We confidently added and subtracted using a variety of resources and became experts at recognising and naming both 2D and 3D shapes.
History: We transformed into budding historians as we investigated the intriguing tale of the Gunpowder Plot. The children conducted a mock trial for Guy Fawkes and, after careful deliberation, found him guilty of treason!
PSHE: We explored the important themes of individuality and uniqueness, celebrating the special qualities that make us all different. We also learned valuable strategies for dealing with bullying and how to support ourselves and others.
Science: We concluded our materials topic with exciting design challenges, carefully thinking about which materials would be most suitable. The children flexed their engineering skills by designing bridges for the Three Billy Goats Gruff and sturdy houses for the Three Little Pigs.
Nativity: The children shone brightly in our "Whoops-A-Daisy-Angel" nativity performance! They learned all the songs, dance moves, and lines with incredible dedication, and their performance was out of this world!
DT: We crafted delightful character hand puppets. The children skillfully employed a range of joining techniques to bring their creations to life.
Y1 News - Autumn 1
Your children have worked incredibly hard this term, adapting to the challenges and excitement of Year 1. We’re so proud of how they've settled in.
One of the highlights of this term has been the children’s creative writing. Inspired by the Three Billy Goats Gruff, they wrote their own fantastic 'Defeat the Monster' stories. Their imaginations and storytelling skills are very impressive.
In maths, we’ve completed our first unit on Place Value where we explored sorting and comparing numbers. We finished the term by exploring fact families using part-whole models and bar models.
Our history lessons have been filled with fun and learning. We loved exploring toys from the past and the children were fantastic representatives of our school on our trip to the MK museum. We’re looking forward to reading their recounts of the day that we're now writing in English.
In phonics, the children have been making great strides in learning the /ae/, /ee/, and /oe/ sounds. Their ability to identify these sounds in words are improving rapidly.
We’ve also been training the children to upload their independent learning to Padlet. This has been a great way to celebrate their achievements and encourage self-motivation in their learning.
Thank you for your continued support. We’re excited to see what your children will achieve in the second half of the term. To stay up-to-date with the latest news and activities from Year 1 (also Reception and Nursery) please follow us on Instagram: @lacehill_earlyyears
Thank you
It’s been a fantastic start to the new academic year in Year 1! The children have settled in beautifully and it’s been a pleasure getting to know them all. We’ve been busy consolidating our phonics knowledge from Reception this week. You may notice that your child brings home a reading book they’ve read before. This is to ensure they have a strong grasp of the sounds they’ve already learned before moving on to new ones.
In our English lessons, we’ve been showing off our creative writing skills. This week, we wrote stories about a penguin who decided to go to the moon! The children’s imaginations were truly boundless, and we had some very funny and imaginative endings. In maths, we’ve been practising our counting skills, sorting objects into different groups, and recognising numbers written in words, numerals, and as objects.
We’ve also begun our new History topic: “How Toys Have Changed.” The children would love to hear about your favourite toys, or even those of older family members. Please feel free to share any interesting stories or photos with us.
Our Year 1 class has been on a roll! They had a fantastic trip to the Quainton Railway Centre, riding a real steam train and a miniature railway. Their history topic on "Inventions that changed the world" really came to life! They were a credit to our school and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
Everyone showed amazing resilience during the phonics screening checks last week. We're incredibly proud of them all! You'll receive their individual results with the end of year reports.
In PSHE, the class explored how much they've changed since they were babies. They played a guessing game with baby pictures, sparking some interesting discussions about what makes us who we are! Thank you for sending in pictures, all the babies were adorable!
To prepare for Year 2, we've been working on fun maths "quizzes" to identify areas for practice. In between these sessions, they've been learning all about barn owls, inspired by their English text "The Owl Who Is Afraid of the Dark." The children created stunning fact files packed with fascinating information about these incredible creatures.
In DT, they’ve chosen their favourite ingredients and are planning some delicious smoothies. Taking inspiration from real smoothie packaging, they're designing their own bottles to market their tasty creations. We can't wait to see their designs and, of course, taste the final product!
What a fantastic half term we've had in Year 1! We've been busy learning lots of new things and exploring exciting topics.
We finished writing some brilliant portal stories taking us to the land of the Wild Things! We used fantastic descriptions to bring our imaginary worlds to life.
We got creative just like Clarice Cliff, mixing our primary colours to make amazing hues of secondary colours and painting our own colourful plates.
Did you know we can forecast the weather by looking at clouds? We learned all about different types, and this week we saw lots of stratus clouds, the big grey blankets that bring us drizzle.
Speaking of rain, we put all that downpour to good use! We measured the rainfall over a day, and guess what? We couldn't believe it when we saw there was a whole 150ml on Wednesday!
In maths, we've been detectives, searching high and low for halves and quarters! We can now find and recognise halves and quarters of shapes, numbers, and even quantities.
We've been learning lots of new sounds in phonics this half term, and we were so excited to see an actual bugle in our history assembly! We had been learning about these in the /ue/ sound we just learned.
We're so proud of all you've achieved in this half term, Year 1! We can't wait to see all the amazing things we learn next half term.
As we come to the end of our second week in Summer term, here's a glimpse into the what our brilliant Year One children have been up to.
In English, we've immersed ourselves in the enchanting tale of "Where the Wild Things Are." From animated verbal retellings to creative story mapping and constructing miniature worlds, we've been becoming very familiar with this story! Additionally, we've been sharpening our descriptive skills by crafting vivid descriptions of Max's transformed bedroom, using carefully chosen adjectives. This week, we've even begun putting our own spin on the story, imagining alternative settings ranging from distant planets, jungles, underwater scenes, to bustling New York. Next week promises the thrilling adventure of writing this story!
Over in maths, our focus has been on equal groups and counting them—a crucial step in preparation for multiplication. By understanding that, for example, five vases with two in each pot equates to 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 10. We have been applying this knowledge to problem solve and answer reasoning questions too!
In art the children have loved mixing primary colours to make secondary. This week we were inspired by Jasper Johns to paint with bold, thick colours.
In geography and science we have started our two weather units. Through discussions and observations, we're beginning to grasp the intricacies of seasonal changes and their impact on weather patterns—a fascinating journey into the natural world.
As we wrap up Spring term, it's time to take a look back at all the fantastic learning experiences we've had in Year 1.
We started by collaboratively writing a recipe for a Terrible Soup, drawing inspiration from the ‘Billy and the Beast’. Following that, the children created their very own Terrible Sandwich recipes, detailing their instructions with bullet points and numbered steps. We then composed our own poems inspired by Pie Corbett's 'If I was called to create a wonder' linking to our Science learning around senses.
In Maths, we've been mastering place value with numbers to 50 and measurements. We've partitioned numbers up to 50 into tens and ones, estimated on number lines and find one more and one less. We've compared lengths and heights, measured length using objects and measured lengths in centimetres. Then we moved on to measuring and comparing mass, volume and capacity.
Reading has been a joy, with adventures in Billy and the Beast and Beegu, where we've been predicting, inferring, and explaining. We also looked at lots of non-fiction texts relating to our Science and Geography topics too.
In Science, we've been investigating our senses, conducting experiments to understand how they help us navigate the world. As we already knew so much about our senses, we were able to really investigate them at a higher level. We looked at why two eyes help us judge distance, optical illusions, whether we use more than one sense to taste and even made a model ear drum to understand how our ears work.
Geography has taken us on a tour of the UK. We used world maps, atlases and digimaps to identify the four countries of the UK. We used cubes to measure the distance on maps between the capital cities of the UK. We identified the oceans and seas surrounding the UK. We sorted human and physical features of the UK into what you might find in a town vs the countryside on a venn diagram. We learnt about landmarks across the UK and made our own models of them and shared our knowledge on a tour of the UK in our classroom.
Our digital explorers have been learning about online safety through Digiduck stories, understanding the importance of being responsible and safe online. Feel free to take a look at the story collection here: https://www.childnet.com/resources/digiduck-stories/
And of course, we've been busy with Design and Technology, Music, and PSHE, exploring everything from building wheels to understanding dynamics in music.
Wishing you all a restful and enjoyable break.
It's been a fantastic start to Spring 2, packed with exciting learning opportunities. Here's a glimpse of what we've been up to:
Homework books have been sent home with new spellings for this half term. Please ensure they are returned on a Wednesday and I will give them back to children to take home on a Friday.
In English we are learning how to write instructions. We had a few lessons on singular and plurals - we now know when to add -es or -s to nouns. We have also learnt actions to retell a recipe for a Terrible Soup, inspired by our class novel 'Billy and the Beast'.
Maths has been all about numbers up to 50. We're diving into the world of tens and ones and making sure we know what this looks like with resources and pictures.
Science has us intrigued as we explore how our senses help us. From revisiting what we learned in Reception to discovering more about our body parts, it's been a hands-on experience.
Geography lessons have taken us on a journey to understand the four countries that make up the United Kingdom. We've been exploring maps and atlases and discovering more about the country where we live.
Our imaginative Year 1s have been showing off their story telling skills! Inspired by Handa's Surprise, they've written their own journey tales, sprinkled with fantastic adjectives to describe the stolen food. We’ve had lions stealing scrumptious, sweet oranges and even spiders stealing tangy, delicious blueberries!
In maths, the children have been learning about adding and subtracting within 20. They’ve used number lines, stories, counters and number bonds! They have also encountered lots of reasoning and problem-solving challenges along the way.
We've been on a geographical exploration of our town! The children have used their fieldwork and observational skills to study the geography of the school, the grounds and the key human and physical features of the surrounding environment. The children have drawn some fantastic maps of our school grounds, complete with keys and titles. They have learnt about when the school was built, and what changes have taken place in the grounds. The children are also investigating an environmental issue in the school grounds and are in the process of suggesting ways to improve our environment.
In science, we've delved into the world of animals, from dissecting fake animal feces to identify if they're herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores, to finding out more about common British mammals, the children have been so keen to share their knowledge!
In R.E, the children have explored the Creation Story, discussing its importance to Jewish people and Christians. Lots of reflections have taken place as the children contemplate how they believe the world should be cared for.
In music, we have enjoyed a symphony of untuned instruments - our class is full of budding musicians! Pulse, rhythm, and our very own class orchestra have become our music lessons, with a special shout out to the children’s favourite, the very infectious beat of 'Can't Stop the Feeling.'
In phonics, we've conquered new sounds, encountered tricky trigraphs, and honed our split sound spotting skills. Fluency is on the rise, and we know that sounding out in our heads is the secret to becoming top-notch readers!
We hope you're all doing fantastic and enjoying the fresh start to 2024 as much as we are in Year 1! The spring term is off to a brilliant beginning, and we can’t wait to share some of the highlights with you.
In English, we've embarked our new writing topic. Before we started our writing, we had a mystery to solve! Mrs. Stuchbury's fruit basket disappearance! Thanks to some sneaky animals captured on video by Mr. Walker (our trusty site manager), our young detectives discovered an elephant and a zebra in our very own classroom. The plot thickened! But fear not, we successfully located the missing fruits and, even better, got to experience their textures, smells, and tastes. We dived into the world of adjectives, collecting words to describe them. Inspired by Handa's Surprise, we learned the art of storytelling through actions, and not to forget, mastered the art of 'an' and 'a' when it comes to animals and fruits – all thanks to the memorable Angry Elephant In Orange Underpants!
Over in maths, we've been focusing on place value, especially the numbers 11-20. Armed with number lines and an array of resources, our budding mathematicians have been counting backwards and breaking down these numbers into their tens and ones.
Our geography kicked off by exploring the wonderful town of Buckingham! The children delved into the familiar sights of our town and engaged in lively discussions about whether these spots were near or far from their homes.
These are only the highlights, to find out more about what we are learning this term make sure you read our Spring term overview.
We just wrapped up our Nativity performance, and it was nothing short of West End-worthy! The children were absolute superstars, and we couldn't be prouder of how they showed our Lace Hill values on stage. There has been plenty more to our curriculum than dazzling lights and funky camel antics though– we've been fitting in lots of learning!
Our budding mathematicians have been blowing us away with their knowledge of 2D and 3D shapes. They can name cubes, cuboids, cylinders, pyramids, cones and spheres! The children know that 2D shapes are completely flat and you can't hold them but they have been spotting them on the faces of 3D shapes and using these as stencils to draw in their books. The children have loved exploring the different ways to sort 3D shapes.
We've been brewing up some literary magic in our classroom, writing our own versions of the Magic Porridge Pot. Move over porridge – we've got magic chocolate pots, magic fruit pots and even magic taco pots! The children have been weaving tales with the perfect blend of conjunctions and adjectives, describing characters that leap off the page. Get ready because next week, we're diving into our very own Wishing Tale based on our learning of the Magic Porridge Pot.
Our young historians embarked on a thrilling mystery-solving mission. Armed with clues like matches, a hat, string, gunpowder, and a letter, we dove into the world of conspiracies and intrigue. Our investigation led us to the infamous Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot! Through a simulated trial, we delved into the events of over 400 years ago, discovering why we celebrate Bonfire Night and commemorate the uncovering of the plot to harm the king.
We've also delved into the significance of Remembrance Day, crafting our own war memorials after examining photos of the war memorial in Buckingham.
In maths, the children have been busy building on their understanding of writing number sentences. We've delved into the world of fact families using part-whole models.
In English, we've been honing our writing skills by recounting our memorable trip to MK Museum. Our recount toolkit has focused on using capital letters.
Our attention has also turned to our upcoming nativity performance. The students have eagerly begun practising their roles, bringing the story to life. We encourage parents to support their children in learning their lines at home to help them feel confident on stage.
In English, we had a thrilling development - we received an email from MK Museum! They've asked us to write a recount of our recent trip to feature on their website. The children were absolutely buzzing with excitement. To help us remember our trip, we've learned some fun actions to accompany our recount model.
Reading has been a focus this week as well. We finished reading "Elmer and Grandpa Eldo," and it sparked some wonderful discussions about why Grandpa Eldo was pretending to forget things. The children's comprehension skills are really taking off, and it's a joy to see them loving reading.
In maths, we have been writing number sentences to represent part-whole models. We have also been problem solving and reasoning with number bonds to 10. Some of us have been using our knowledge of number bonds to 10 to find number bonds to 20 and 100.
In R.E, we held a pretend baptism ceremony for a cuddly toy right here in our classroom. This allowed us to show the children what might happen during such a special ceremony. Some of our class members also shared different ways that babies are celebrated within their families and/or religions, giving us a glimpse of the rich diversity we have in our class.
Art has been a highlight as well. We had a blast drawing toys from observation, which beautifully ties into our History topic. The kids have been working on their mark-making skills, and it's impressive to see their artistic talents develop.
Wishing you all a fantastic and restful half term.
It's been an exciting couple of weeks in Year 1, and I can't wait to share some of the highlights with you.
First off, our classroom was transformed into a toy museum! The children did a fantastic job setting it up, and it was a hub of learning and fun. We even invited the reception children to come and visit, and our Year 1s did a terrific job explaining all they've learned in history.
In science, we've been on a journey of discovery about materials. We explored the concept of absorbency and explored the fascinating world of magnets. The children got to design their own magnetic games, and the creativity was simply amazing.
Our storytelling skills have been put to the test as we finished writing our class version of "The Three Billy Goats Gruff." I'm incredibly proud of the children for showing remarkable resilience and determination in their writing.
In maths, we've been working on part-whole models and writing number sentences. We also took some time for a recap of our number bonds to 10.
First and foremost, we had an exciting school trip to MK Museum, and I must say the children were absolute stars! What made me the proudest was how well-behaved and respectful our children were during the trip. They represented the school amazingly, showing not only their curiosity but also their integrity.
At the museum, we had the opportunity to step back in time and explore how life and toys were different in the past. The highlight was definitely seeing a Victorian classroom in action, and the children were fascinated by the differences between then and now. We also got to play with toys from the past, and it was a great to compare them to the toys we play with today.
The children also loved creating their very own thaumatropes. For those who aren't familiar, a thaumatrope is an optical toy that plays tricks on your eyes. When you spin it, the pictures on either side seem to combine into one image.
In English, we've embarked on an exciting journey to write our class version of "The Three Billy Goats Gruff." However, our twist on the story is that we've substituted the troll under the bridge for a grumpy frog! The creativity and enthusiasm in their storytelling is fantastic to see!
In phonics, we've been hard at work. After tackling the /ae/ sound last week, we're now diving into the /ee/ sound. The progress they're making is brilliant, and it's so rewarding to see them gain confidence in their reading and writing.
In maths, we've been focusing on ordering numbers from greatest to smallest and using the 'greater than,' 'less than,' and 'equals' signs to compare them. The children are doing an excellent job grasping these concepts, with lots of opportunities to practically see this in action!
I couldn't be more proud of the children in Year 1 as they have begun their journey into KS1. They have settled in so well into our classroom and new outdoor learning area, which we have created to provide the children with enriched environments for exploration and learning to foster creativity and curiosity.
Here are just some of the highlights from their first few weeks:
The children enthusiastically engaged in a mystery-solving activity when an unexpected visitor, a goat, was discovered in our outdoor learning area. They honed their observation and deduction skills to uncover what had happened. It turns out our goat was from our Talk4Writing text, "The Three Billy Goats Gruff." We have been learning our model text and retelling the story with actions and expression. We have also started to work on our descriptions by describing the troll.
In maths, we have been working on place value, including finding one less, one more, counting both forwards and backwards, and solving missing number puzzles. I've been so impressed with the children's counting skills!
Keep it up Year 1 – what a great start to the year!
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